PPS: you guys might be able to borrow oVirt's "otopi" installer engine, it
seems to have been created to make install scripts more declarative.
Although to the end-user otopi can seem dense, complicated, and mysterious
(e.g., its weird .conf file syntax). They might need your help making otopi
more sane.

On Thursday, November 14, 2013, Derek Moore wrote:

> As someone who has fought with using/modifying/QA'ing unstable FreeIPA
> installers from the nightly repos, I wholeheartedly second this motion!
> Make sure the oVirt guys get wind of this idea also! ;)
> PS: semi-related note — Can FreeIPA be made to consume the CSR that
> results from the ovirt-host-deploy hoster node installer?
> On Thursday, November 14, 2013, Petr Spacek wrote:
>> Hello,
>> there is an interesting idea that installers should be idempotent. I have
>> heard it on LinuxAlt conference 2013 in Brno, Czech republic and it is
>> implemented e.g. by project Chef [1] and it is used e.g. by OpenStack
>> installer [2] (used e.g. by SUSE).
>> What Wikipedia says about idempotence [3]:
>> "Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and
>> computer science, that can be applied multiple times without changing the
>> result beyond the initial application."
>> ... And that is it :-)
>> In reality, it means that you can re-run OpenStack installer on the same
>> machine/set of machines (with the same configuration, of course!) and it
>> will re-do everything again. You can re-run installer again and again
>> without any harm!
>> This solves case where something went wrong during the installation, the
>> installation was aborted and the machine was left in some inconsistent
>> state. Think about e.g. network failure during installation, improper
>> configuration which prevented installation from finishing (crap in DNS),
>> some intermittent and mysterious errors in Dogtag installer and so on.
>> It does mean that you don't need to recycle whole machine if something
>> went wrong during installation ...
>> As a result, you don't need to have separate system for installation and
>> for upgrade.
>> (Obviously, it means installation steps has to be 'declarative' instead
>> of 'imperative'.)
>> I think that this is very interesting idea and it would be interesting to
>> write new code with idempotence in mind. Eventually, we could end with
>> fully idempotent installer :-)
>> [1] http://www.opscode.com/chef/
>> [2] http://www.slideshare.net/mattray/deploying-openstack-with-chef
>> [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idempotence
>> --
>> Petr^2 Spacek
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