On 05/29/2014 02:17 AM, Martin Kosek wrote:
On 05/29/2014 04:09 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
On 05/22/2014 10:33 AM, thierry bordaz wrote:

     In order to provision staged users (account inactivated) with
     there initial values:

         /usr/bin/ipa user-add tb20 --to-stage --first=tb20 --last=tb20
         Added user "tb20"
           User login: tb20
           First name: tb20
           Last name: tb20
           Full name: tb20 tb20
           Display name: tb20 tb20
           Initials: tt
           Home directory: /home/tb20
           GECOS: tb20 tb20
           Login shell: /bin/sh
           Kerberos principal: t...@idm.lab.bos.redhat.com
           Email address: t...@idm.lab.bos.redhat.com
           UID: -1
           GID: -1
           Account disabled: true
           Password: False
           Kerberos keys available: False

         ldapsearch -LLL -h localhost -p 389 -D "cn=directory manager"
         -w Secret123 -b "dc=idm,dc=lab,dc=bos,dc=redhat,dc=com" uid=tb20
         dn: uid=tb20,cn=staged
         displayName: tb20 tb20
         cn: tb20 tb20
         objectClass: top
         objectClass: person
         objectClass: organizationalperson
         objectClass: inetorgperson
         objectClass: inetuser
         objectClass: posixaccount
         objectClass: krbprincipalaux
         objectClass: krbticketpolicyaux
         objectClass: ipaobject
         objectClass: ipasshuser
         objectClass: ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys
         loginShell: /bin/sh
         uidNumber: -1
         ipaUniqueID: autogenerate
         gidNumber: -1
         gecos: tb20 tb20
         sn: tb20
         homeDirectory: /home/tb20
         uid: tb20
         mail: t...@idm.lab.bos.redhat.com
         krbPrincipalName: t...@idm.lab.bos.redhat.com
         givenName: tb20
         initials: tt

     I needed to resctrict the scope of the following plugins:

         dn: cn=ipaUniqueID uniqueness,cn=plugins,cn=config

         dn: cn=IPA Unique IDs,cn=IPA UUID,cn=plugins,cn=confi
         ipauuidscope: cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=lab,dc=bos,dc=redhat,dc=com

         dn: cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
         dnaScope: cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=lab,dc=bos,dc=redhat,dc=com

         dn: cn=MemberOf Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config

     In fact I need them to not modify the added entry when it is added
     under "cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,$SUFFIX".
     Now is it possible to limit those plugins scope to the
     'cn=accounts' part of the tree ? I guess not.
     If it is not possible, a solution is to make the scope
     multi-valued attributes or to introduce a new config attribute
     '*notInScope' also multi-valued.
     A problem is the 'cn=ipaUniqueID uniqueness' that rely on the
     'attribute uniqueness' plugin with a argv[ ], not really
     convenient to pass 2 multivalued attributes.

     If anyone is having others solutions it would help me a lot :-)


The easiest solution IMO is to not treat staging area as an account area, i.e
instead of cn=staging, cn=accounts, dc=... I suggest saving users in cn=users,
cn=staging, dc=...
Actually, this almost exactly the DN I wrote in the RFE:


Proposed containers are:

cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,$SUFFIX
cn=deleted users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,$SUFFIX

This way if in future we will have some staging for other objects (for whatever
reason) we will create containers under common "staging" area.
I would also argue that "deleted" should not be under accounts.
Agreed. This will also make the plugin configuration (tree exclusion) easier.


I do not think so. My proposal is not to have staging under cn=accounts because most of the plugins enforce uniqueness and other consistency like DNA in the cn=account sub tree. Moving it out would move the staging out of the scope of the plugins and plugin configuration would not need to change.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

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