On Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 03:03:19PM +0200, Sumit Bose wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm preparing a design page for
> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4031 "[RFE] Support initgroups
> for unauthenticated AD users".
> Since we are using SSSD in ipa-server-mode in the server, the IPA server
> is able to resolve group memberships even if the user is not
> authenticated. To make the information available to the client the
> extdom plugin should be enhanced to send the information from the server
> to the clients.
> My question is, what would be the best type of data to send to the
> clients. The obvious first answer is a list if GIDs. But since we have
> views this would require additional processing and LDAP lookups on the
> server side. As an alternative we can send a list of fully qualified
> group names or a list of SIDs (as long as we are only looking at trust
> to AD). Both are independent of the view, but would require additional
> lookups from the client for the GID if the group with the given fully
> qualified name or SID is not already in the cache. But this will
> basically only happen if the cache is empty, which the additional
> processing due to user-views on the server would happen on every request
> if we only send the list of GIDs.
> So, I'm tending to the list of fully qualified names. Does anyone has
> concerns or other suggestions?

As an additional suggestion, I also think in server mode you can ignore
that the FQDN format is technically configurable and just use
user@domain, IIRC the SSSD in server mode should even disallow any other

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