On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 10:12:39AM +0200, Martin Kosek wrote:
> Certmonger API looked complete enough to pull this off:
> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/certmonger.git/tree/doc/api.txt
> If I am wrong, please tell me.

No, it's meant to be complete -- the getcert command only uses the APIs
to talk to the daemon, so they provide at least what it needs.

Two words of caution:
* That file's manually maintained, so it might not completely reflect
  what's available.  The introspection data's generated at runtime, so
  if you poke the service with an introspection request, or using
  d-feet, which does so under the covers, you might spot discrepancies.
  It probably goes without saying, but please report any that you find.
* The majority of properties are currently marked read-only, and you
  currently have to use the 'modify' API request to change them.  Mostly
  this is a result of 'getcert' not having needed anything more than
  that, and properties having been added after the initial versions, so
  it's not set in stone.



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