On Thu, 2015-03-26 at 16:26 +0100, Jan Cholasta wrote:
> >> I think the timezone still may be with the host object but only as
> the UI
> >> helper as you suggest. Although I would maybe rather not see it
> with the object
> >> at all and have the admin just set the right timezone for the HBAC
> rule
> >> themselves. After all, if there's a collision of host helper
> timezones, I think
> >> admin would have to do that anyway.
> I don't see any point in storing time zone in the host object, if
> it's 
> not used for anything meaningful and has to be manually synchronized 
> with the host's actual configured time zone.

The host *knows* it's local time zone, let's not set us up for sync

> >
> > Right. But UI could then offer:
> >
> > Warning, time zone is ambiguous. Please select the right time zone:
> > HostA time zone: Europe/Prague  [ ]
> > HostB time zone: Europe/London  [ ]
> No, thanks. The whole point of "Local Time" is being able to use 
> whatever time zone is configured on each host instead of having to 
> specify one time zone for all of them, which is exactly what the above
> does.

"Local Time" is a special name the stray out of the Olson database, you
can see it as the wildcard '*' or 'ALL' in other rules and it means that
the host will use its local time zone with the specified times of day
and days of the week


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