On 17/04/15 16:15, Jan Cholasta wrote:
Dne 16.4.2015 v 16:46 Jan Cholasta napsal(a):

the attached patch adds the basics of the new installer framework.

As a next step, I plan to convert the install scripts to use the
framework with their old code (the old code will be gradually ported to
the framework later).

(Note I didn't manage to write docstrings today, expect update tomorrow.)

Added some docstrings.

Also updated the patch to reflect little brainstorming David and I had this morning.


Hello, see comments bellow:

1) We started using new shorter License header in files:
# Copyright (C) 2015  FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license

2) IMO this will not work, NoneType has no 'obj' attribute
+        else:
+            if isinstance(value, from_):
+                value = None
+                stack.append(value.obj)
+                continue

3) Multiple inheritance. I do not like it much.
+class CompositeInstaller(Installer, CompositeConfigurator):

Installer and CompositeConfigurator inherites from Configurator class, and all of them implements _generator method.

If I understand correctly (https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/) the Installer._generator method will be used in this case. However in case when CompositeConfigurator has more levels (respectively it is more specialized) of inheritance, it could take precedence and its _generator method may be used instead.

I'm afraid this may suddenly stop working.
Maybe I'm wrong, please fix me.

And Multiple inheritance is not easily readable, this is even a diamond inheritance model.

Martin Basti

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