On 8.6.2015 21:37, Drew Erny wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I'm going to start working on the Community Portal milestone this week. The
> first thing I'm noticing is that for almost all of the community portal, there
> has to be some way for the IPA server to send email, which right now isn't
> possible. It has been brought to my attention, however, that there is an
> existing ticket (https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/1593) that includes
> email under its purview. I don't want to write a bunch of code that'll get
> tossed when work starts on the notification system if I don't have to, but I
> will if I must.
> I need a little bit of guidance. Is working on code to let the IPA server send
> email to users a good place to start chipping at this?


I would recommend you to base your implementation on the generic principle
sketched in https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/1593 .

Let's take https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3613 as an example:
[RFE] Provide a self service enrollment capability with admin approval and
notification workflow

1. User fills-in a web form for account registration.
2. A new user object in staging area is created.
3. FreeIPA framework calls a D-Bus method
com.redhat.ipa.hook_user_self_registration (or something like that)

This method/service/how is it called can be then provided by arbitrary script
which can be connected to D-Bus using Oddjob.

This will lift the burden of e-mail processing from you and will allow users
to do anything with the data passed to hooks.

I hope this helps.

Petr^2 Spacek

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