On 07/10/2015 12:43 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jul 2015, Stanislav Laznicka wrote:

Long time no post from me, time to make it up to you.
Welcome back!

I have been working on the the implementation of the design of time
policies for HBAC rules on FreeIPA and SSSD sides. Attached is the
current state of the FreeIPA solution. My comments and notes to the
solution follow.

The FreeIPA side backend base for time policies in HBAC seems working
to me but still needs formal testing. Also, there is no conversion
from the iCal format as previously requested and I personally would
postpone this feature until the time policies functionality is rock

There were some uncertainties in the design as well. I ran into 2 of
these but more may come.

The first thing is how to deal with weeks in a month. There are two
possibilities. A week in month (as specified by the weekofmonth
keyword in the time policies) may be understood as a period of time
between two Sundays, so when a month starts on, say, Friday the 1st,
weekofmonth=1 would specify days Friday, Saturday, Sunday and anything
from that Sunday on would be a weekofmonth=2 and on. However, I think
a week in a month may also be considered a period of time that equals
7 days of a month. In the previous example, a weekofmonth=1 would
therefore also apply to the following days up until Friday the 8th,
excluding this last day. Although I implemented the first case in the
SSSD, I actually started thinking the second case scenario might be
the right or "better" one.
One thing you need to realize that there is no universal 'week starts on
There are different ways of starting a week, some countries do it on
Sunday, some -- on Saturday, some -- on Monday. This means you need to
make possible to pull in a locale definition if you really want this
functionality and then it also becomes quite fuzzy as there are legal
definitions of what a week is (as well as a month and a work day).
I would definitely go with using the locales for deciding (same for weeks of year, etc.). With addition to that I would, personally, also make it clear to see the exact description of the policy currently in use, on the WebUI and CLI (if it is possible, of course). Maybe it is just me but I have no idea how to decide when is the first week of a month, even in my locale. (if it is already there then act as if I have said nothing)

The other thing is which years should be allowed to be the input of
the "year" keyword. Currently, I set the range for these values to
1970-2038 according to the Unix timestamp. I'm not sure if anyone
would want to set it less than 1970, setting it for a higher value
than 2038 might probably make sense in some very special cases,
although I really can't think of a one.
You certainly can set it more than 2038 (time doesn't stop there). What
you are limited with is Kerberos 32-bit time stamp, not HBAC policy time
definition. I would say we better set to 64-bit ourselves and handle
irregularities in SSSD.

Matúš Honěk

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