On 07/20/2015 11:24 AM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Martin Basti wrote:

Patch attached.

Is this going to be a shock on upgrades for people who until now may be relying on the fact that there is no limit?
Just throwing my 2 cents in. The replication changelog is not something that can typically be used externally, unlike the retro changelog. It's really a blackbox to the outside world. The risk of setting a changelog max age depends on how long any replica has been down for. So if the max age is set to 7 days, and a replica has been down for more than 7 days, then when it comes online it will not be able to catch up with the other active replicas and it will need to be reinitialized.


Should there be a way for an admin to manage this, via the config module perhaps?

IMHO this is a significant change and red flags need to be raised so users are aware of it.


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