Hi Martin,

imho, nsslapd-db-locks is an "advanced" parameter and should be set by customer 
at RHDS level, not at replica creation.

The problem we have had at customer site is that the default was not enough to 
do the replication total update. So, replica creation was failing and we 
couldn't workaround it but by changing the dse template.

What I was thinking, since any node in IPA is rather identical, and keeps the 
same database, is that some settings could be copied from master replica.

To explain a little bit my idea, if I configure a master node with, for 
instance, some "cache" settings or "maximum number of locks", it's clear that I 
would like all the other nodes with similar settings since the db they will 
contain is the same.

So, if I configure master to have some particular number of db-locks or 
particular cache size, why not helping the customer to have the same values in 
all their nodes ? Ok, we could think that he could have a different 
hardware/resources by node but in general, it would be reasonable to keep those 
settings through all the nodes.

The problem of the initial value for db-locks is not still solved (Ludwig could 
probably give a hint here) but having this sort of "configuration copy", in a 
future situation, we could ask the customer to, eventually, change the db locks 
at master node side, and this will be propagated to all nodes to have, in this 
case, total update succeessful.

Of course, I don't know the internals and scenarios enough to see if this could 
be reasonable to implement or if there's any drawback.

Thanks and regards,


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Martin Basti" <mba...@redhat.com>
> To: "freeipa-devel" <freeipa-devel@redhat.com>, "German Parente" 
> <gpare...@redhat.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 3:56:37 PM
> Subject: [PATCH 0293] Allow to set number of DB locks during install
> Hello all,
> I attached WIP patch to solve https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4949
> I received several suggestions:
> 1) (implemented in patch) is to add the option --db-locks to installer
> (maybe as hidden option)
> 2) Configure the nsslapd-db-locks to higher value as default (what is
> the right value?)
> 3) Combination of 1and 2: set default higher value and also have hidden
> option to allow configure higher number of locks during install
> Comments are more than welcome :-)
> --
> Martin Basti

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