On 09/03/2015 03:18 PM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
On 2.9.2015 07:26, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
On 9/1/2015 10:22 AM, Simo Sorce wrote:
On Tue, 2015-09-01 at 17:15 +0200, Petr Vobornik wrote:
On 09/01/2015 04:39 PM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
On 1.9.2015 16:26, Jan Cholasta wrote:
On 26.8.2015 13:22, Petr Vobornik wrote:
On 08/25/2015 08:04 PM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
adds commands:
* vaultcontainer-show [--service <service>|--user <user> ]
* vaultcontainer-add-owner
       [--service <service>|--user <user> ]
       [--users <users>]  [--groups <groups>] [--services
* vaultcontainer-remove-owner
       [--service <service>|--user <user> ]
       [--users <users>]  [--groups <groups>] [--services


Use cases:
1. When user/service is deleted, associated vault container looses
owner. There was no API command to set the owner.
2. Change owner of container by admin to manage access.

Show command was added to show current owners.

Find command was not added, should it be?

There is also a design for vault container ownership handling
created by
Endi - it's for future Vault 2.0.


This patch has a different API than the proposed - different way of
specifying the container. The design page uses path e.g.
This patch uses the same way as vaults e.g. --user=foobar. This
that the implementation in this patch cannot manage ownership of
vault containers e.g. cn=users,cn=vaults,cn=kra,$SUFFIX.

Do we want to go with this approach in 4.2?

Attaching also new path which removes setting of owner which doesn't
exist so that integrity is OK and that it is consistent with
removing of

Updated patch attached - output fix.

We had a long discussion about this with Petr and we think the best
approach is as follows:

    * Add new "Vault administrators" privilege. Vault
administrators will
have unrestricted access to vaults and vault containers, including
power to add/remove owners of vaults and vault containers.

    * Remove the ability of vault owners to add/remove other vault
owners. If vault owner needs to be changed, vault administrator
has to
do it. Note that vault owners will still have the ability to
vault members.

    * When adding new vault container, set owner to the current
user. If
vault container owner needs to be changed, vault administrator has
to do

    * Allow adding vaults and vault containers only if the owner is
to the current user.

    * Introduce commands to modify vault container owner and to
vault container, so the administrator has a choice between assigning
ownership or deleting an unowned container.


    * Control access to vault data using an ipaProtectedOperation ACI.
Users which have read access to "ipaProtectedOperation;accessKRA" on a
vault can retrieve data from the vault and users which have write
to "ipaProtectedOperation;accessKRA" on a vault can archive data in



CCing Simo and Endi to check the proposal.

And Scott (related to #5216, #5215)

Sounds reasonable to me.
I can see that allowing owners to hand over vaults w/o admin
intervention may have some appeal in some use cases, but I also see it
can bring downsides with it, so all in all I think I agree with the
above points.


Not a total objection, but if many people in unrelated groups are using
vaults, and they are sharing the vaults only with members of each group,
having to ask a Vault Administrator for each ownership change sounds a
bit cumbersome. Since the Vault Adminstrator will have access to all
vaults in all groups, only a small number of people can be trusted to
hold that role. If there are many ownership changes the Vault
Administrator will have to handle all those requests, and the vault
users may have to wait until the change is completed.

If owners are allowed to add others as owners, the vaults will be pretty
much maintenance free to the admin.

Owners can still manage members, which is IMO good enough for sharing a
vault with other users.

Regardless, please update the wiki page to describe the new behavior
when it's implemented:


I have updated and rebased Petr's patch 916.

Patch 488 obsoletes Petr's patch 918.

Patch for vault data access control is not included, because I was not
able to make GER work correctly with "ipaProtectedOperation;accessKRA".

I found 1 major issue(#3), one easy fix(#2), optional(#1) and a question (#4).

1. `ipa vaultcontainer-del` doesn't show user/service name. IMHO not a blocker.

[pvoborni@vm-063 ~]$ ipa vaultcontainer-del --user=fbar
Deleted vault container ""

2. Invalid description of vaultcontainer-show
  "Display information about a vault."

3. Something which needs to be fixed:

Setting password for first vault without a vault container fails(here run as vault admin but the same issue is present when it's run as the user).

[pvoborni@vm-063 ~]$ ipa vault-add f1 --user=fbar
New password:
Verify password:
ipa: ERROR: Invalid credentials
[pvoborni@vm-063 ~]$ ipa vault-find --user=fbar
1 vault matched
Vault name: f1
Type: symmetric
Vault user: fbar
Number of entries returned 1

Second works:

[pvoborni@vm-063 ~]$ ipa vault-add f2 --user=fbar
New password:
Verify password:
** Passwords do not match! **
New password:
Verify password:
Added vault "f2"
Vault name: f2
Type: symmetric
Salt: w4tnrjW/Ra2jGS8lI6Frfg==
Owner users: va
Vault user: fbar

[pvoborni@vm-063 ~]$ ipa vault-find --user=fbar
2 vaults matched
Vault name: f1
Type: symmetric
Vault user: fbar

Vault name: f2
Type: symmetric
Vault user: fbar
Number of entries returned 2

4. Q: Should vault container owner delete all its vault?

As fbar when there is a vault without fbar as owner

[root@vm-063 pvoborni]# ipa vaultcontainer-del
ipa: ERROR: Not allowed on non-leaf entry

when fbar is added as owner to all vaults

[root@vm-063 pvoborni]# ipa vaultcontainer-del
Deleted vault container ""
[root@vm-063 pvoborni]# ipa vault-add f1
New password:
Verify password:
ipa: ERROR: Invalid credentials
[root@vm-063 pvoborni]# ipa vault-del f1
Deleted vault "f1"
[root@vm-063 pvoborni]# ipa vault-add f1
New password:
Verify password:
Added vault "f1"
Vault name: f1
Type: symmetric
Salt: bkHxRIipkaeX+H/fOnZdBw==
Owner users: fbar
Vault user: fbar

Petr Vobornik

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