On 07.12.2015 13:24, Oleg Fayans wrote:
Hi Martin,

I would prefer both install_kra and install_ca methods to have
raiseonerr parameter set to True by default. We need a way to test
negatives and analyze results.
Mine looks like this:

def install_kra(host, domain_level=None,
                 first_instance=False, raiseonerr=True):
     if not domain_level:
        domain_level = host.config.domain_level
     command = ["ipa-kra-install", "-U", "-p",
     if domain_level == DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 and not first_instance:
         replica_file = get_replica_filename(host)
     return host.run_command(command, raiseonerr=raiseonerr)

The rest looks good to me, but I did not run the tests yet.
Sounds good, I will amend the patche later.

On 12/06/2015 10:22 PM, Martin Basti wrote:
My favorite today \o/ --> 67 <-- \o/ test cases, no more manual testing
of installers \o/.

Test suite contains: 6 combination how to install components on replica
X 4 combinations of server installation + 3 extra server tests

To save time tests install 1 master and 3 replicas per test class
(except extra server tests):
Class name  specifies what is installed on master.

Remember, option "-k" is your friend
$ ipa-run-tests -k '<name of class you want to test (it is regexp)>'
otherwise you will need a lot of time until tests finish.

To list all tests:
$ ipa-run-tests test_integration/test_installation.py --collect-only

Patch attached, it needs to have attached all patches I sent today and
also attached workaround patch (Martin3 will provide proper fix)

I haven't had time/mood/resources to test this patch with domain level
0, so testing this patch with domain level 0 is appreciated.

Oleg, I added some methods to tasks.py which you may want to reuse.


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