On (06/05/16 11:14), Oleg Fayans wrote:
>On 05/06/2016 09:48 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
>> On 06.05.2016 09:36, Oleg Fayans wrote:
>>> Tests are finally stable:
>>> ============================= test session starts
>>> ==============================
>>> platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.11 -- py-1.4.30 -- pytest-2.7.3
>>> rootdir: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipatests, inifile: pytest.ini
>>> plugins: multihost, sourceorder
>>> collected 8 items
>>> test_integration/test_dnssec.py ........
>>> ========================= 8 passed in 5561.48 seconds
>>> ==========================
>> PATCH 37 IIRC I refused to accept workaround for this issue when you
>> send this (almost the same) patch for first time, are you sure that we
>> want to hide real issues in tests, to just have green color there?
>The underlying issue is 7 months old. Latest update in the issue from
>Peter Spacek is: "I do not have time to investigate this issue now",
So the solution should be to escalate this issue and ensure that
Petr's manager reserve enough time for him to fix the bug.

The bug is in FreeIPA and not in test and therefore tests should not be

If you want to add workaround then please add workaround(s) to the freeipa
related part of code.


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