thierry bordaz wrote:

On 05/25/2016 08:49 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
thierry bordaz wrote:


Thanks for all the feedbacks. I updated the design accordingly and with
additional tests results

Several improvements can be done, in particular in DS plugins (memberof,
retroCL), but for "easy" benefit provisioning will be done with memberof
disabled followed by fixup.

It remains some aspects that are not clear to me:

  * For best performance, DS tuning and provisioning/fixup would
    preferably be done under 'directory manager'
    That means prompting DM password and writing it into temporary file.
    Is that a concern ?
  * Fixup requires that we know the filters matching the provisioned
    entries. For example :
      o (objectClass=inetorgperson)
      o (objectClass=ipausergroup)
      o (objectClass=ipahost)
      o (objectClass=ipahostgroup)
      o (objectClass=ipasudorule)
      o (objectClass=ipahbacrule)

        The set of objectclass could be hardcode or provided in the
        provisioning CLI option
        What to do if an entry in in the provision file does not match
        any of those filter ? Should it stop without starting the
        provisioning ?
  * The CLI doing the provisioning could be something like 'ipa
    provision <options>' or should it be a separated command e.g.
    ipa-bulk-load ?

It depends. There is a migration command now, ipa migrate-ds, that
adds records and is impacted by this. There is also the possibility of
looping calls to ipa [user|group|etc]-add.

I agree that migration and bulk load can be linked. If migration
dump/update a set of entries before filling them into a new instance it
could use bulk load.
For set loop of ipa <object>-add, I think they add many others direct
operations (mainly SRCH) before doing the ADD in order to check
coherency. bulk load looks more straightforward.

I just wonder if some (all) of this could be done manually. Document how to turn off memberof, do the import whatever way is appropriate, then run the fixup? I'm not sure what you had in mind.

I don't want to think small but do we expect to be importing a slew of hosts, sudorules, etc? I guess the potential is there but would it be on the same scale as users? If you focus only on users/groups does that change the use case at all?

Would it be reasonable to require bulk import to be done on an IPA
master so we can leverage the ldapi socket?
Do you mean using ldapi to reduce network latency or automember or
something else ?

To avoid the DM password issues. ldapi autobinds to DM when the id is root.


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