Hi everyone,

Although this was mentioned several times before, I'd like to bring additional
attention to the idea of using config files written in JSON for tlog, because
there were some concerns over that being appropriate.

Tlog is a terminal I/O recording package [1], with primary purpose of sending
the recordings as JSON-formatted log messages to ElasticSearch. For the
purpose of reading what it wrote, it links with json-c.

At this moment both of tlog programs (tlog-rec and tlog-play) expect their
global configuration to be in JSON, with comments allowed. See the default
configurations attached. Plus, tlog-rec accepts an environment variable,
containing the whole, or a part of the configuration to (partially) override
the global one. That is also in JSON. Tlog uses the same json-c to parse all
of these. Internally, tlog uses json-c structures to pass around and merge the

The question is, should the global tlog configuration, located in
/etc/tlog/tlog-rec.conf and /etc/tlog/tlog-play.conf, be in JSON, or should it
be something else?

The cons I heard so far:

    * Administrators don't expect to find JSON in /etc.
    * JSON is a fragile format.

The pros I'd like to present:

    * Administrators setting up tlog are expected to also be familiar with
      ElasticSearch, which tlog targets as the storage. ElasticSearch speaks
      JSON exclusively and is configured using either YAML or JSON. So, the
      administrators should be largely familiar with it.

    * Although JSON uses explicit and rigid syntax, such as quoting and
      prohibited trailing commas, it is still easy to read, and its
      specification is succint and easy to learn: http://json.org/

    * Tlog is already linked with json-c, to read what it wrote, and
      reusing it for configuration reading avoids adding another dependency.

Overall, I consider the present situation a good compromise between
smaller/simpler code and reduced dependencies vs. familiarity and ease of
editing and reading for administrators.

The alternatives presented so far are YAML and INI. I'll list each of their
pros and cons, as I see them.



    * Has a subset of syntax (sufficient for our purposes), which is easy to
      read and write, doesn't require quoting, not critical to commas and
      other separators.
    * Has official specification.


    * Requires additional dependency to be used in tlog.
    * Only one implementation in C.
    * Uses significant whitespace, which is easier to overlook than explicit
    * *Sometimes* requires quoting to enforce value type, which is easy to
      overlook. E.g. an all-digits string requires quoting, otherwise it is
      considered a number.
    * Although well-defined, specification is long and complicated:
      http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html This makes it hard to fully
      understand the language and be proficient at it.
    * In an attempt to make the language as human-readable as possible, made
      it actually harder for humans to write, in some cases.
    * Has too many features, complicating parsers, leading to harder to use
      APIs, and more bugs.



    * Familiar, already used by sister projects: SSSD, Kerberos, Samba, etc.
    * Light, simple syntax


    * Requires additional dependency to be used in tlog.
    * No official specification, lots of variance in the field:
      This requires explicit description of the actually used syntax in
      the program manuals. I.e. it cannot simply link to a specification.
      Administrators have to discover which flavor to use. This will become
      worse if we'll implement storing (a subset of) tlog-rec configuration
      in LDAP verbatim, as suggested so far, because the documentation for the
      format will be less discoverable for the person editing the directory.
    * Cannot be written without newlines, in a single line. This will make
      overriding configuration with an environment variable in tlog-rec harder
      to use. I.e. the environment variable value will have to contain
      newlines, or instead refer to a file containing the configuration.
    * No escaping for special characters, multiline value support is patchy
      (not present at all in dinglibs). This will limit the ways to specify
      the recording notice presented to the users at the start of tlog-rec.

Your own pros/cons, and suggestions for other formats to use are welcome!
Thank you for your attention.


[1]: https://github.com/Scribery/tlog
// Tlog-play system-wide configuration. See tlog-play.conf(5) for details.
// This file uses JSON format with both C and C++ comments allowed.
    // The type of "log reader" to use for retrieving log messages. The chosen
    // reader needs to be configured using its own dedicated parameters.
    // "reader" : "file",

    // File reader parameters
    "file": {
        // The "file" reader log file path.
        // "path" : ""

    // ElasticSearch reader parameters
    "es": {
        // The base URL to request ElasticSearch through. Should not
        // contain the query (?...) or fragment (#...) parts.
        // "baseurl" : "",

        // The query string to send to ElasticSearch
        // "query" : ""
// Tlog-rec system-wide configuration. See tlog-rec.conf(5) for details.
// This file uses JSON format with both C and C++ comments allowed.
    // The path to the shell executable that should be spawned.
    // "shell" : "/bin/bash",

    // A message which will be printed before starting
    // recording and the user shell. Can be used to warn
    // the user that the session is recorded.
    // "notice" : "\nATTENTION! Your session is being recorded!\n\n",

    // The data which does not exceed maximum payload
    // stays in memory and is not logged until this number of
    // seconds elapses.
    // "latency" : 10,

    // Maximum encoded data (payload) size per message, bytes.
    // As soon as payload exceeds this number of bytes,
    // it is formatted into a message and logged.
    // "payload" : 2048,

    // Logged data set parameters
    "log": {
        // If specified as true, user input is logged.
        // "input" : true,

        // If specified as true, terminal output is logged.
        // "output" : true,

        // If specified as true, terminal window size changes are logged.
        // "window" : true

    // The type of "log writer" to use for logging. The writer needs
    // to be configured using its dedicated parameters.
    // "writer" : "syslog",

    // File writer parameters
    "file": {
        // The "file" writer log file path.
        // "path" : ""

    // Syslog writer parameters
    "syslog": {
        // Syslog facility the "syslog" writer should use for the messages.
        // "facility" : "authpriv",

        // Syslog priority the "syslog" writer should use for the messages.
        // "priority" : "info"
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