On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 08:02:18AM +0100, Jan Cholasta wrote:
> On 8.2.2017 07:29, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
> > On Mon, Feb 06, 2017 at 10:24:31AM +0100, Jan Cholasta wrote:
> > > On 17.1.2017 08:57, David Kupka wrote:
> > > > On 13/01/17 08:07, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
> > > > > Related to design:
> > > > > http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Dogtag_GSS-API_Authentication
> > > > > 
> > > > > Currently there are some operations that hit the CA that involve a
> > > > > number of privileged operations against the CA, but for which there
> > > > > is only one associated IPA permission.  Deleting a CA is a good
> > > > > example (but it is one specific case of a more general issue).
> > > > > Summary of current ca-del behaviour:
> > > > > 
> > > > > 1. Disable LWCA in Dogtag (uses RA Agent cert)
> > > > > 2. Delete LWCA in Dogtag (uses RA Agent cert)
> > > > > 3. Delete CA entry from IPA (requires "System: Delete CA" permission)
> > > > > 
> > > > > So there are two things going on under the hood: a modify operation
> > > > > (disable CA) and the delete.
> > > > > 
> > > > > When we implement proxy authentication to Dogtag, Dogtag will
> > > > > enforce the IPA permissions on its operations.  Disable will map to
> > > > > "System: Modify CA" and delete to "System: Delete CA".  So to delete
> > > > > a CA a user will need *both* permissions.  Which could be
> > > > > surprising.
> > > > > 
> > > > > There are a couple of reasonable approaches to this.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 1. Decouple the disable and delete operations.  If CA is not
> > > > > disabled, the user will be instructed to execute the ca-disable
> > > > > command separately before they can disable the CA.  This introduces
> > > > > an additional manual step for operators.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 2. Just improve the error reporting.  In my WIP, for a user that has
> > > > > 'System: Delete CA' permission but not 'System: Modify CA', the
> > > > > reported failure is a 403 Authorization Error from Dogtag.  We can
> > > > > add guards to fail more gracefully.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I lean towards #2 because I guess the common case will be that users
> > > > > either get all CA admin permissions, or none, and we don't want to
> > > > > make more work (in the form of more commands to run) for users in
> > > > > the common case.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I welcome alternative views and suggestions.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > Fraser
> > > > > 
> > > > Hi Fraser,
> > > > as a user with "System: Delete CA" permission calling "ca-del" command I
> > > > would be really surprised that I don't have enough privileges to
> > > > complete the action.
> > > > 
> > > > I would expect:
> > > > a) "Cannot delete active CA, disable it first" error.
> > > > b) Delete will be completed successfully. All internal and to my sight
> > > > hidden operations will be allowed just because I'm allowed to perform
> > > > the delete operation.
> > > > 
> > > > I think that b) might lead to strange exceptions in authorization
> > > > checking and therefore to security issues. So I would prefer decoupling
> > > > ca-disable and ca-del as you're describing in 1).
> > > 
> > > IMO having to disable the CA before deletion is an implementation detail 
> > > and
> > > should not be exposed to the user at all. Why do we have to disable the CA
> > > from IPA in ca-del? I would expect Dogtag to disable it itself internally
> > > when it's being deleted.
> > > 
> > The CA requiring disablement before deletion is a property of how
> > Dogtag Lightweight CAs are implement.  I don't intend to change this
> > (besides, it might need to be this way for Common Criteria; a
> > similar restriction exists for profiles).
> OK.
> > 
> > We could make it so that in IPA context, delete permission implies
> > disable permission.  Currently (in Dogtag) permission to
> > enable/disable is the 'modify' permission.  So to do this without
> > implying that someone with 'delete' permission as 'modify'
> > permission, I'd need to add an explicit 'enable/disable ca'
> > permission.
> +1
> > 
> > This is a good idea, but it is more work to add the required ACLs
> > (which will need to be done during IPA upgrade or installation).
> > I'll shelve https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/415 for now, but
> > keep the patch in my working branch and code it out later, if
> > there's time before release.  Otherwise we might need to keep it
> > until there's time for the proper fix, so that things don't break.
> OK. I can give you a hand with the ACLs if you want.
Thanks.  The ACLs are part of Dogtag actually; so when we upgrade to
a verison of Dogtag with the new permissions, new ACLs will need to
be added.  There will be two versions of the ACLs: one set for use
with RA Agent cert authn, and one set for use with externally
authenticated FreeIPA principals.

There are a handful of similar "new ACLs to chase Dogtag changes"
that will be part of the GSS-API work.  I have a good understanding
of what needs to happen.


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