Oliver Northam via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> Hello! 
> I'd love to use FreeIPA for all of our auth needs (wifi, samba, backups
> etc) but I'm a little lost on the configuration of the default groups. 
> I have my admin user in the 'admins' group and my test user in the
> 'ipausers' group, but I can't see any permissions or roles or policies
> that define permissions in those groups. Logged in as the admin user, I
> can change all settings but as my test user, I cannot change anything.
> I also see 'editors' but can't see exactly what permissions this group has. 
> Am I missing something or somewhere where I can change these permissions?

admins is treated as a special case and doesn't have explicit roles.

To add permissions for other users/groups add them to a role. A role has
certain privileges and privileges have permissions (atomic rights).

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