Hi all,

I'm having serious issues with our FreeIPA setup and I need some direction.

Our FreeIPA setup had two master-replicas. Late last month one of the 
hypervisors at OVH died, they replaced hardware but the server is having issues 
so hasn't come up yet. So for all matters, one master-replica is dead.
The original master was configured with letsencrypt-freeipa which failed to 
renew certificates.

There are around 10 clients connected to it, and several services authenticate 
against it. One for example is Gitlab, but I am still able to login to Gitlab. 
Another example we have a number of pfSense routers that also use LDAP auth and 
that always fails we had to fallback to the local admin user.
One of the most critical services is the DNS. When DNS goes down, everything 
goes down, including email. This is currently one of the most critical services.

ipactl always fails. I have to manually start the services using systemctl, like
`systemctl start 

getcert list returns 7 certificates, all MONITORING, none expired.

# getcert list -d /etc/httpd/alias -n ipaCert
No request found that matched arguments.

I can run ldap commands on the cli.

ALL ipa commands fail:
# ipa userlist
ipa: ERROR: cannot connect to 'any of the configured servers': 
https://main.domain.io/ipa/json, https://secondary.domain.io/ipa/json

# certutil -L -d /etc/httpd/alias

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

DSTRootCAX3                                                  C,,  
CN=main.domain.io                                      u,u,u
letsencryptx3                                                C,,  
letsencryptx3                                                C,,  
ISRGRootCAX1                                                 C,,  
DOMAIN.IO IPA CA                                               CT,C,

the ipa-cert-fix command with increased verbosity:

ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: stderr=
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: Starting external process
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: args=/usr/bin/certutil -d 
dbm:/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias -L -n transportCert cert-pki-kra -a -f 
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: Process finished, return code=255
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: stdout=
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: stderr=certutil: Could not find cert: transportCert 
: PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: File not found

ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: Starting external process
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: args=/usr/bin/certutil -d 
dbm:/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias -L -n storageCert cert-pki-kra -a -f 
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: Process finished, return code=255
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: stdout=
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: stderr=certutil: Could not find cert: storageCert 
: PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: File not found

ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: Starting external process
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: args=/usr/bin/certutil -d 
dbm:/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias -L -n auditSigningCert cert-pki-kra -a -f 
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: Process finished, return code=255
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: stdout=
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: stderr=certutil: Could not find cert: 
auditSigningCert cert-pki-kra
: PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: File not found

ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: Starting external process
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: args=/usr/bin/certutil -d dbm:/etc/httpd/alias -L -n 
Server-Cert -a -f /etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: Process finished, return code=255
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: stdout=
ipapython.ipautil: DEBUG: stderr=certutil: Could not find cert: Server-Cert
: PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: File not found

ipapython.admintool: DEBUG:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/admintool.py", line 178, in execute
    return_value = self.run()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/ipa_cert_fix.py", 
line 100, in run
    certs, extra_certs = expired_certs(now)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/ipa_cert_fix.py", 
line 142, in expired_certs
    return expired_dogtag_certs(now), expired_ipa_certs(now)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/ipa_cert_fix.py", 
line 191, in expired_ipa_certs
    cert = db.get_cert('Server-Cert')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/certdb.py", line 744, in 
    raise RuntimeError("Failed to get %s" % nickname)

ipapython.admintool: DEBUG: The ipa-cert-fix command failed, exception: 
RuntimeError: Failed to get Server-Cert
ipapython.admintool: ERROR: Failed to get Server-Cert
ipapython.admintool: ERROR: The ipa-cert-fix command failed.

I thought this command was to fix the certificates, so I don't get it why it 
fails if one certificate is missing.
But anyway, can someone PLEASE give me some help I'm not great with 
certificates and I'm not being able to fix this.

If there's a way of creating a new master from start and then importing the 
data would be nice, but looking at ipa-backup/restore it clearly says it has to 
be the same server.
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