We have many users that run GNU/Linux workstations. At the moment
everyone is using local accounts. We want to convert them to IPA
clients and still allow them sudo privileges on their own workstations.

It's easy to grant them access to their workstations by making them all
a member of a "workstation" AD group and letting them login with ssh,
GNOME, etc. What's less obvious is how to centrally give them sudo
access only on their own workstations.

I could create an HBAC rule per person to give them sudo privileges to
their own workstation, but then I'll have to make hundreds of rules.
The only solution appears to be to keep the access (i.e. ssh, desktop
environment) centrally controlled in IPA, but make the custom sudo
access locally controlled.  Is this the only way to do what I want?

Thanks in advance.

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