Gerrard Geldenhuis wrote:

I was wondering if anyone has had any luck in getting FreeIPA compiled and installed on Centos. I am struggling a bit at the moment. I have downloaded a fedora source package which I have tried to compile but can’t even get the package to install at the moment. I get the error:

error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/Fix-install-with-krb-1.7.patch;4ba0aaed: cpio: MD5 sum mismatch

This is the file I downloaded:


rpm changed around F10 or 11. IIRC it uses SHA256 instead of MD5, that's why you are getting the error unpacking it. Try this instead:

% rpm2cpio ipa-1.2.2-3.fc12.src.rpm | cpio -idv

You'd need to do this anyway since you need to make some spec file changes.

Replace the BuildRequires: popt-devel with popt

If you are going to build against the CentOS RHDS then replace occurrences of fedora-ds with redhat-ds. 389-ds has a Provides for fedora-ds so things will just work if you are using 389-ds.

Then: rpmbuild -ba ipa.spec

I think that should do it assuming all the other build and install time dependencies we have are available in CentOS.


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