On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 16:47, Rich Megginson <rmegg...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hopefully there will be an
>> update soon, and this will resolve the problem.
> The update is in updates-testing now, and we would really appreciate some
> testing and some feedback (hint, hint).  The more positive feedback we get,
> the faster we can move the packages to stable and out of testing (as per
> Fedora policy).
> yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing 389-ds-base
> See also http://directory.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Notes

OK, OK, I get the hint! :)

Since it's 'only' a replicated slave, I installed the package from
testing. I started receiving:

dn2entry: the dn "dc=example,dc=com" was in the entryrdn index, but it
did not exist in id2entry of instance userRoot

Which I then fixed by following:


The dirsrv process started correctly and started answering requests.
Looking good so far.

I guess it's time to consider upgrading the master from Fedora 11. :)
At least I'll be prepared if this happens again.

Thanks for the help,


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