On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 22:10 +0200, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:
> On 06/16/2011 05:20 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> > Sigbjorn Lie wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Has anyone had success using IPA's LDAP as address book for Thunderbird?
> >>
> >> I've tried configring IPA's LDAP as Abook for Thunderbird. As far as I
> >> can see all the required attributes are there and mapped correctly out
> >> of the box with Thunderbird 3.1, but I cannot get any names looked up.
> >
> > It works for me using TB 2 and 3.1.
> >
> > My settings are:
> >
> > Name: IPA
> > Hostname: ipa.example.com
> > Base DN: cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
> > Port number: 389
> > Bind DN: <blank>
> >
> > Use secure connection is not set
> Ok, that's my configuration too. I noticed that it works when I start 
> typing someones name, their details is being pulled from IPA. So yes, it 
> works. :)
> When I did my testing I expected to see the directory when I opened up 
> the Address Book in Thunderbird. I see the addresses from "Personal 
> Address Book", but there is still none under the "IPA" address book.
> I suppose this is a Thunderbird issue and not a IPA issue...?

It's not really an "issue", it's expected behavior. It's too expensive
for every client to pre-cache the entirety of the LDAP server (since it
could contain tens of thousands of entries).

So what Thunderbird (and most other address book tools) does is create
an LDAP search string and query LDAP on the fly as you are typing.

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