On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Dmitri Pal <d...@redhat.com> wrote:

> **
> On 03/18/2012 01:00 PM, Marco Pizzoli wrote:
> Hi Dmitri,
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Dmitri Pal <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>   On 03/18/2012 08:59 AM, Marco Pizzoli wrote:
>> Hi Simo,
>> On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Simo Sorce <s...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>  On Sat, 2012-03-17 at 11:12 +0100, Marco Pizzoli wrote:
>>> > Hi guys,
>>> >
>>> > I extended my set of LDAP objectClasses associated to users by adding
>>> > my new objectClass to my cn=ipaConfig LDAP entry, the
>>> > ipaUserObjectClasses attribute.
>>> > Then, I created a new user with the web ui and I see the new
>>> > objectClass associated with that user, but as structural instead of
>>> > auxiliary. I don't know why, could you help me?
>>> >
>>> > Same thing happened for my groups. I added 3 objectClasses and now I
>>> > see all of them as structural. I would understand an answer: all
>>> > objectClasses eventually result as structural, but so why, for
>>> > example, the ipaObject is still an auxiliary objectClass?
>>>  The objectClass type depends on the schema. It is not something that
>>> changes after you assign it to an object.
>> Yes, your answer surely does make sense.
>> My question was triggered by the fact that, AFAICS, not all objectClasses
>> are structural as well.
>> In fact I can see that, for my group object, the objectClass "ipaobject"
>> has been defined as auxiliary, while others structural.
>> For users, I see that *only my objectClass* is defined as structural. All
>> others as auxiliary.
>> In attachment you can see 2 images that immediately represent what I'm
>> trying to explain.
>> If this was the intended behaviour, I would be really interested in
>> knowing what is the rationale behind this.
>> Only curiousity, as usual :-)
>> Thanks again for your patience!
>>  AFAIU the object classes that are added to users and groups need to be
>> first defined in the schema.
>> I assume you have done so otherwise all sorts of errors would have shown
>> up. Am I correct?
> Exact. I followed the instructions on extending the schema on 389-ds, by
> inserting a file in my /etc/dirsrv/<instance>/schema dir.
> Everything went ok, and I can see from phpldapadmin that the DSA correctly
> present my objectClasses as available to use for extending objects.
>>  I do not recognize the object classes as standard object classes. But
>> might knowledge might be limited.
> Exact, they are "mine" objects, under a reserved OID number.
>>  Can you put show how you defined these new object classes in schema? You
>> might have not specified the type and it defaulted to structural.
> This was a schema file created for OpenLDAP and which is currently in
> production.
> I used the script posted on the 389-ds HowTo for the migration from
> OpenLDAP schema files to 389-ds format.
> Here you can find it. A little camouflated, of course.
> [root@freeipa01 ~]# cat
> /etc/dirsrv/slapd-UNIX-MYDOMAIN-IT/schema/98myfile.ldif
> dn: cn=schema
> attributetypes: ( NAME 'xxxUfficio' DESC
> 'Ufficio di appartenenza degli utenti XXX' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX
> USAGE userApplications )
> objectclasses: ( NAME 'xxxPeopleAttributes' SUP
> top AUXILIARY DESC 'Definizione di attributi specifici per gli utenti XXX'
> MAY (  xxxUfficio ))
> attributetypes: ( NAME 'xxxProgetto' DESC 'Nome
> del macro-progetto associato a questo gruppo LDAP' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
> SYNTAX USAGE userApplications )
> attributetypes: ( NAME 'xxxAmbiente' DESC 'Nome
> di ambiente SVIL-TEST-VALID-PROD associato al progetto' EQUALITY
> caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX USAGE userApplications
> )
> attributetypes: ( NAME 'xxxTipoGruppo' DESC
> 'Tipologia di gruppo' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX
> USAGE userApplications )
> objectclasses: ( NAME 'xxxGroupsAttributes' SUP
> top AUXILIARY DESC 'Definizione di attributi specifici per i gruppi XXX'
> MAY (  xxxProgetto $ xxxAmbiente $ xxxTipoGruppo ))
> attributetypes: ( NAME 'xxxWebminAmbiente' DESC
> 'Ufficio di appartenenza degli utenti XXX' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX
> USAGE userApplications )
> objectclasses: ( NAME 'xxxWebminAttributes' SUP
> top AUXILIARY DESC 'Definizione di attributi specifici per gli oggetti
> Webmin' MAY (  xxxWebminAmbiente ))
> attributetypes: ( NAME 'xxxDB2GruppiPrivilegi'
> DESC 'Tipologia di gruppo creato per accesso al DB2' EQUALITY
> caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX USAGE userApplications
> )
> objectclasses: ( NAME 'xxxDB2GroupsAttributes'
> SUP top AUXILIARY DESC 'Definizione di attributi specifici per i gruppi
> DB2' MAY (  xxxDB2GruppiPrivilegi ))
> objectclasses: ( NAME 'xxxAttributes' SUP top
> AUXILIARY DESC 'Definizione di attributi specifici per utilizzo interno'
> MAY (  xxxProgetto $ xxxAmbiente $ xxxTipoGruppo $ xxxDB2GruppiPrivilegi ))
> As you can see, they are explicitly declared as AUXILIARY.
> OK. Then it seems like a bug on our side ;-)
> Please file a ticket and attached the info provided here.

Done. https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2545

>  Thanks for your efforts. They really help us to make the project better.

I'm happy to help :-)

>  Thanks again
> Marco
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> Thank you,
> Dmitri Pal
> Sr. Engineering Manager IPA project,
> Red Hat Inc.
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