On May 13, 2012, at 2:39 PM, "Steven Jones" 
<steven.jo...@vuw.ac.nz<mailto:steven.jo...@vuw.ac.nz>> wrote:


I have what I'm told are 6.3 rpms on ipa2 and no its not fixed, the memory leak 
kills a server in 48 hours.  I also find I have a problem with rebooting, IPA 
doesnt survive a reboot, so I cant even cron a reboot nightly.

Right now both are in a bad way and I need to reboot them......


The interesting thing is I have a test setup that is stable, yet has the same 
rpms....so Im flumixt'd, maybe its something Ive done, but I cant think 
what....its bod standard as far as I know....


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

When I was having similar problems, it turned out to be due to a few different 

* my cache was too low, was being exceeded and triggering a leak in 389
* I discovered a bug in managed entries that caused the plugin to fire if _any_ 
change occurred to a managed object. As opposed to firing only when relivent 
attributes changed.
* I also had a great deal of churning happening from slapi-nis in competition 
with the MemberOf plugin...

Here is my bug, it was fixed in Fedora, but perhaps it is still a problem in 
RHEL: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?format=multiple&id=771493

From: freeipa-users-boun...@redhat.com<mailto:freeipa-users-boun...@redhat.com> 
[freeipa-users-boun...@redhat.com<mailto:freeipa-users-boun...@redhat.com>] on 
behalf of Dmitri Pal [d...@redhat.com<mailto:d...@redhat.com>]
Sent: Saturday, 12 May 2012 9:29 a.m.
To: freeipa-users@redhat.com<mailto:freeipa-users@redhat.com>
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] dead in the water IPA server

On 05/07/2012 05:05 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
On 05/07/2012 02:55 PM, Steven Jones wrote:


Yes I have a memory leak see attached graphs....

Yes looks like the killer killed slapd.......dont know what caused this 
yet........if its the "killer" looks like its decided to kill slapd or slapd 
was going to kill the system anyway so it may have done the right thing.

Looks like I have 3 days between reboots if i dont IPA losses the plot big 
time....very bad news..........I will I think slow IPA deployment here at this 
time........this cant be deployed for us as it is, I cant even test as if 
something doesn't work I don't know if its my configuring error or an 
inconsistent IPA.


Thanks for this info I will pursue this through RH support for a perm fix, 
adding more memory doesn't strike me as the solution, 4gb of ram for 3~4 users 
and about 6 client machines seems a lot.....

Right.  See https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/51 and especially all of the 
comments to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=697701

You will need to closely monitor your entry cache usage.

As far as I see the ticket is fixed upstream and is in testing for 6.3.
Is this the correct understanding?


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

From: Sigbjorn Lie [sigbj...@nixtra.com<mailto:sigbj...@nixtra.com>]
Sent: Monday, 7 May 2012 9:45 p.m.
To: Steven Jones
Cc: Jan Cholasta; freeipa-users@redhat.com<mailto:freeipa-users@redhat.com>
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] dead in the water IPA server

This sound very much the same as the issue I've been having. Did you check to 
see if it was the
directory server that consumed all of your memory too?



On Mon, May 7, 2012 11:32, Jan Cholasta wrote:


It seems that your system ate all the available memory and the kernel
decided to kill a directory server instance to free some. The kernel agent 
responsible for this is
called the out-of-memory killer, you can read more about it and how to 
configure it not to kill
important processes here: http://lwn.net/Articles/317814/

On 7.5.2012 02:22, Steven Jones wrote:

Interesting memory message.....as attached....

I take it it isnt good?  cant login that is for sure so whatever is behind the 
web gui is dead
if nothing else...


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

Jan Cholasta

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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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