On 06/07/2012 09:22 PM, Cam McK wrote:
> Hello
> 2). We would also like to use FreeIPA in a trusted network but then
> have perhaps a read-only slave sitting in DMZ with the possibility of
> not containing the KDC or LDAP password stores on it, is this possible?
>  (Basically authentication being done by a different PAM module, but
> pam_sss.so still allowing HBAC via the PAM 'account' directive.)
> Is it possible to have a 'regular' LDAP directory (in the DMZ) just
> slurping down the required LDAP info?
I suggest using an LDAP directory that can do proxy operations or proxy
authentications. You might consider 389 and sync in some user accounts
and groups while using pam passtrough capabilities. I think recent
upstream versions of 389 made this configuration possible but you need
to check with them. #389 on freenode is your best bet. 
Openldap has some capabilities that might be of the value here too.

I am not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish here so a bit more
details would be helpful.

> Many Thanks
> Campbell
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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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