On 07/25/2012 06:11 PM, Steven Jones wrote:

 From a RH support case as I dont have access to the RDS channel.

We just updated the RHEL 6.3 downloads to have the RedHat-PassSync .msi files.

No, its doesn't allay my Windows and security ppls concerns....

I was speaking specifically about your original concerns:

"No not specific developers but some sort of statement of ownership from RedHat I suppose. So they are I assume looking for some sort of confidence that it wont trash AD and if I install it and it does trash our AD some liability."

Does the fact that you are now getting a Red Hat branded binary from an official Red Hat download site allay these particular fears?


"This is an Active Directory "plug-in" that intercepts password changes made to 
AD and sends the clear text password to 389 DS to keep the passwords in sync (when using the 
Windows Sync feature of 389 DS).

Tested with Windows 2008 and 2003 Server 32-bit and 64-bit. "

"This is an Active Directory "plug-in" that intercepts password changes made to AD Domain Controllers and sends the clear text password over an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS) to 389 DS to keep the passwords in sync. It works in conjunction with the Windows Sync feature of 389. You must install this on every Domain Controller. "



Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

From: Rich Megginson [rmegg...@redhat.com]
Sent: Thursday, 26 July 2012 11:59 a.m.
To: Steven Jones
Cc: freeipa-users@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] winsync msi

On 07/25/2012 02:41 PM, Steven Jones wrote:

Ah ok, I have the "official" one.
   From where did you get it?  And does it allay your concerns?

One thing on the free site, it says the password is transmitted as clear text, 
no mention of over an encrypted secure channel....the security guys had a 
fit.....so if you update that web page it would help the cause.
Which page is that?  The Howto:WindowsSync?


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

From: Rich Megginson [rmegg...@redhat.com]
Sent: Thursday, 26 July 2012 1:58 a.m.
To: Steven Jones
Cc: freeipa-users@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] winsync msi

On 07/24/2012 03:15 PM, Steven Jones wrote:
Hi Rich,

I can appreciate what you are saying, but....

Not on Windows but specifically AD, the very core of our 21,000+ user base, 
that makes such an add on significant and gets focus. What we have seen with 
another similar (yes, commercial) MSI was a clash with another MSI added to AD, 
the result was not pretty....hence the Windows ppl are very careful when 
something like this is proposed.

So actually some sites where this has been installed commercially would be 
good, if need be I can raise a call to RH support? or RH NZ rep to get that 
info in confidence / NDA.

IPA like AD is not just another application, its at the very centre of 
everything. For us it will be the second or third most important system we 
have.  It will probably connect us to ppl across the world and them to us (via 
federation/shibboleth) let alone our internal user base.

Lets see if I can show this, so 99.9% uptime on an application is 9 hours off 
line per year.....per user.....say 100 users?

So 1 hour off line in a business day with 21,000+ users.....21,000 hours lost 
plus all the meetings on why and how to make sure it wont happen again.  If we 
were down for say a day or two....it would be in the IT if not National 
papers....(yes OK NZ is small)....I think my new occupation and some of the 
managers would be....road sweeping.....this makes them very risk adverse.

Crazy thing of course is, yes IPA is free.......


I can appreciate things seem very strange in that context.  Consider that its 
taken me 7 years to go from being employed specifically long enough to get rid 
of Redhat/linux (and Solaris) and be 100% win2000 site to having 100 RHEL 
servers with most of the mission critical things on them.....all down to the 
quality of open source really......proof is in the eating....its proven very 
Ok.  If you are a Red Hat paying customer, you should get the
RedHat-PassSync .msi from an official Red Hat channel.  We are working
on addressing this issue.


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

From: Rich Megginson [rmegg...@redhat.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 25 July 2012 2:54 a.m.
To: Steven Jones
Cc: freeipa-users@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] winsync msi

On 07/23/2012 06:32 PM, Steven Jones wrote:

No not specific developers but some sort of statement of ownership from RedHat 
I suppose. So they are I assume looking for some sort of confidence that it 
wont trash AD and if I install it and it does trash our AD some liability.
Can you point me at another open source project that provides Windows
binaries that provides some sort of guarantee or statement or
documentation like this?  I'd like to see what other projects do and
provide something similar.

Or is this the first (and only?) time anyone in your organization has
ever installed any open source software on Windows?


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

From: Rich Megginson [rmegg...@redhat.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 24 July 2012 12:11 p.m.
To: Steven Jones
Cc: freeipa-users@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] winsync msi

On 07/23/2012 05:38 PM, Steven Jones wrote:

For the winsync agreement my Windows and security teams want to know its 

eg who wrote it,
Red Hat - do you need to know the names of the developers?

it is Microsoft certified etc.
Not that I know of - how would one go about doing that?
Where will I find such info?

All I have is


Which doesn't tell me much.
There is more info in the actual .msi file.

Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

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