On 09/14/2012 09:42 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
On 09/14/2012 01:34 AM, Mullen, Jonathan W. wrote:
Hello All,

I'm in the process of setting up a ZFS file server that authenticates against 
our freeipa infrastructure. I'm running into a few issues, and ALOT of 
confusion between discrepancies in the documentation. Specifically between 
(http://freeipa.com/page/ConfiguringSolarisClients) and 
Hope those comments help



userA is a freeipa user

SSH with kerberos ticket already acquired:

CLIENT:~ userA$ ssh server.domain -l userA
Last login: Thu Sep 13 22:43:42 2012 from IP
OpenIndiana (powered by illumos)    SunOS 5.11    oi_151a5    June 2012
-bash-4.0$ passwd
passwd: Changing password for userA
Enter existing login password:
Unexpected failure. Password file/table unchanged.
-bash-4.0$ su
# passwd userA
Enter userA's password:
passwd: userA does not exist.
Permission denied
# exit

SSH With password login (notice the LACK of 'passwd: userA does not exist.' as 
apposed to with kerberos:

CLIENT:~ userA$ ssh server.domain -l userA
Last login: Thu Sep 13 22:59:02 2012 from IP
OpenIndiana (powered by illumos)    SunOS 5.11    oi_151a5    June 2012
-bash-4.0$ passwd
passwd: Changing password for userA
Enter existing login password:
Unexpected failure. Password file/table unchanged.

Here is my pam.conf, you can see the comments showing the various configurations. The current one works the "best" in 
that BOTH "getent passwd" and "getent passwd userA". Some configurations only "getetn passwd userA" 
would work, and not "getent passwd". No

My aim here is to get password changes working so I can capture smb passwords 

Does any one have a working OpenIndiana and freeIPA setup for SMB shares. If so 
would you be so kind as to help me with some sample configs?

# Authentication management
# login service (explicit because of pam_dial_auth)
login   auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
login   auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
#login   auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1 try_first_pass
login   auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
login   auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1 use_first_pass
login   auth required           pam_dial_auth.so.1
# rlogin service (explicit because of pam_rhost_auth)
rlogin  auth sufficient         pam_rhosts_auth.so.1
rlogin  auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
rlogin  auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
rlogin  auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
rlogin  auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
# Kerberized rlogin service
krlogin auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
krlogin auth required           pam_krb5.so.1
# rsh service (explicit because of pam_rhost_auth,
# and pam_unix_auth for meaningful pam_setcred)
rsh     auth sufficient         pam_rhosts_auth.so.1
rsh     auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
# Kerberized rsh service
krsh    auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
krsh    auth required           pam_krb5.so.1
# Kerberized telnet service
ktelnet auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
ktelnet auth required           pam_krb5.so.1
# PPP service (explicit because of pam_dial_auth)
ppp     auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
ppp     auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
ppp     auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
ppp     auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
ppp     auth required           pam_dial_auth.so.1
# GDM Autologin (explicit because of pam_allow).  These need to be
# here as there is no mechanism for packages to amend pam.conf as
# they are installed.
gdm-autologin auth  required    pam_unix_cred.so.1
gdm-autologin auth  sufficient  pam_allow.so.1
# Default definitions for Authentication management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for authentication
other   auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
other   auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
other   auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
other   auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1
other   auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
# passwd command (explicit because of a different authentication module)
#passwd auth required           pam_passwd_auth.so.1
passwd  auth binding          pam_passwd_auth.so.1 server_policy
passwd  auth required         pam_ldap.so.1
# cron service (explicit because of non-usage of pam_roles.so.1)
cron    account required        pam_unix_account.so.1
# cups service (explicit because of non-usage of pam_roles.so.1)
cups    account required        pam_unix_account.so.1
# GDM Autologin (explicit because of pam_allow) This needs to be here
# as there is no mechanism for packages to amend pam.conf as they are
# installed.
gdm-autologin account  sufficient  pam_allow.so.1
# Default definition for Account management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for account management
#other  account requisite       pam_roles.so.1
#other  account optional        pam_unix_account.so.1
#other   account optional        pam_krb5.so.1 debug
other   account requisite     pam_roles.so.1
other   account binding       pam_unix_account.so.1 server_policy
other   account required      pam_ldap.so.1
# Default definition for Session management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for session management
other   session required        pam_unix_session.so.1
# Default definition for Password management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for password management
other   password required       pam_dhkeys.so.1
other   password requisite      pam_authtok_get.so.1
other   password requisite      pam_authtok_check.so.1
other   password required     pam_authtok_store.so.1 server_policy
#other   password sufficient     pam_krb5.so.1
#other  password required       pam_authtok_store.so.1
# Support for Kerberos V5 authentication and example configurations can
# be found in the pam_krb5(5) man page under the "EXAMPLES" section.

other   password required   pam_smb_passwd.so.1 nowarn

Jonathan Mullen

Freeipa-users mailing list


Did you get anywhere with this?

Are you using Solaris 11 or OpenIndiana?

At first glance it looks like you haven't configured pam for krb5 password management. Have a look at the pam.conf below and see if that will get you anywhere with password changes.


# Authentication management
# login service (explicit because of pam_dial_auth)
login auth requisite pam_authtok_get.so.1
login auth required pam_dhkeys.so.1
login auth required pam_unix_cred.so.1
login auth sufficient pam_krb5.so.1 debug
login auth required pam_unix_auth.so.1
login auth required pam_dial_auth.so.1
# rlogin service (explicit because of pam_rhost_auth)
rlogin auth sufficient pam_rhosts_auth.so.1
rlogin auth requisite pam_authtok_get.so.1
rlogin auth required pam_dhkeys.so.1
rlogin auth required pam_unix_cred.so.1
rlogin auth required pam_unix_auth.so.1
# Kerberized rlogin service
krlogin auth required pam_unix_cred.so.1
krlogin auth required pam_krb5.so.1
# rsh service (explicit because of pam_rhost_auth,
# and pam_unix_auth for meaningful pam_setcred)
rsh auth sufficient pam_rhosts_auth.so.1
rsh auth required pam_unix_cred.so.1
# Kerberized rsh service
krsh auth required pam_unix_cred.so.1
krsh auth required pam_krb5.so.1
# Kerberized telnet service
ktelnet auth required pam_unix_cred.so.1
ktelnet auth required pam_krb5.so.1
# PPP service (explicit because of pam_dial_auth)
ppp auth requisite pam_authtok_get.so.1
ppp auth required pam_dhkeys.so.1
ppp auth required pam_unix_cred.so.1
ppp auth required pam_unix_auth.so.1
ppp auth required pam_dial_auth.so.1
# Default definitions for Authentication management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for authentication
other auth requisite pam_authtok_get.so.1
other auth required pam_dhkeys.so.1
other auth required pam_unix_cred.so.1
other auth sufficient pam_krb5.so.1 debug
other auth required pam_unix_auth.so.1
# passwd command (explicit because of a different authentication module)
passwd auth required pam_passwd_auth.so.1
# cron service (explicit because of non-usage of pam_roles.so.1)
cron account required pam_unix_account.so.1
# Default definition for Account management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for account management
other account requisite pam_roles.so.1
other account required pam_unix_account.so.1
other account required pam_krb5.so.1 debug
# Default definition for Session management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for session management
other session required pam_unix_session.so.1
other session required pam_krb5.so.1 debug
# Default definition for Password management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for password management
other password required pam_dhkeys.so.1
other password requisite pam_authtok_get.so.1
# Password construction requirements apply to all users.
# Remove force_check to have the traditional authorized administrator
# bypass of construction requirements.
other password sufficient pam_krb5.so.1
other password requisite pam_authtok_check.so.1 force_check
other password required pam_authtok_store.so.1

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