Normally if IPA has a well documented API then my approach would be:
user --> (internet) --> webserver --> lPA API --> IPA server

But since there isn't much info about the API then my approach would be:
user --> (internet) --> webserver --> a PHP script which acts as an custom
API --> IPA server

The problem is I don't know which commands are available en which
values/params I should send. For example:
These are commands for xml rpc. Without examples it's difficult to find
out how to use it.

But they are different from this example:
In this example a "user_find" command is used, but this command cannot be
found in the official xml rpc document above.

In ssh I can display a list of commands with "ipa help commands" I don't
know if they are all supported in "/ipa/json" I probably need to replace
all dashes with underscores (correct me if I'm wrong).

If I want to display all the supported params from one certain command
for example "ipa help user-find". Then, are all the double dashed params
also the supported params which I can send with JSON?

I prefer using the native API if there is one (hidden somewhere), because I
don't want to reinvent the wheel with security leaks which I'm not aware
of. Especially when I need to execute CLI commands from the PHP scripts.
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