On Fri, 29 Nov 2013, Fred van Zwieten wrote:

When being root on an ipa-client, I can su to any IPA user. This is
somewhat unexptected behaviour in comparison to Windows. If I am local
administrator in a windows AD member server, I cannot become a domain user.
I need to be domain administrator for that.

Is it possible to have this "feature" disabled somehow?
root user on Linux systems by default has CAP_SETUID capability which
allows to change process uid to a different user. If the capability is
there, the only way to reduce transition from a specific user to another
one is by confining it via appropriate security module, for example,
through properly defined SELinux policy that prevents a root to
transition to the context of an IPA user. Someone needs to write this
policy and deploy at IPA clients first.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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