BTW, this also fails when using the web UI -- I can see the entry but not delete it.

On 03/27/2014 09:02 AM, Bret Wortman wrote:
My IPA corruption continues and I'm afraid I'm going to have to recreate it from scratch since no reasonable means of backup exists (which I understand -- that's not my complaint).

Here's what I'm facing:

# script -c 'ipa host-find'
Script started, file is typescript
1 host matched
  Host name:
  Principal name: host/
  Password: False
  Member of host-groups: allow_all_hosts
  Indirect Member of HBAC rule: allow_all_users_services
  Keytab: False
  SSH public key fingerprint: [snip] (ssh-dss)

Number of entries returned 1
Script done, file is typescript
# script -c 'ipa host-del'
Script started, file is typescript
ipa: ERROR: host not found
Script done, file is typescript

I had unenrolled this host and was attempting to re-enroll it, and this is preventing its re-enrollment. Any ideas of how to force deletion of this host entry? I'm not LDAP savvy enough to just go in and start whacking LDAP entries myself, and given that my IPA database has gotten corrupted enough that no IPA CLI command can run without being wrapped in "script" or "strace" or similar, I'm hesitant to go too far. This machine, however, is my program manager's workstation, so it's pretty important to get back up and running.


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