On 08/20/2014 09:43 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Walid wrote:
Thanks Rob, we have native python2.4, and anaconda python 2.7,  so i
guess if anything needs python 2.6 or greater it would not be an issue.
I  am just wondering if there are people using the upstream project in
such a legacy system ;-)
It's not just python, it's all the modules as well.

In the end the issue isn't so much ipa-client as all the related
dependencies. The ipa-client package just helps configure things, sssd
does all the heavy lifting. If you wanted to backport anything I'd start
there, and it is likely extremely non-trivial.

I know that people still use RHEL-5 and the current 2.2-based client.
It, and its related packages, generally works fine you just miss out on
some of the newer features, particularly in sssd (like sudo and autofs).
You can try to build sssd on 5.3 but I suspect it will require so many dependencies that you system would look more like a 5.10.
You can try but this will be an adventurous effort.
For old systems like that we recommend using what they had then and not SSSD. Users will be able to authenticate and posix data will be the same as on the more modern systems which should be sufficient for the needs of those old systems anyways.


On 20 August 2014 16:55, Rob Crittenden <rcrit...@redhat.com
<mailto:rcrit...@redhat.com>> wrote:

     Walid wrote:
     > Hello All,
     > What is the recommendation on having ipa2 clients connecting to IPA 3
     > server, we have some RHEL5.3 clients (I know they are EOL, however end
     > user still wants as it is)  that we would like to connect them to IPA
     > 3.x server running RHEL6.5.

     Should work fine with no problems.

     > Any one running free-ipa on RHEL instead of the Red Hat packages on
     > RHEL5, and RHEL6?

     Depending on the versions of IPA and RHEL it can be difficult but not
     impossible. The biggest obstacle is missing or older dependencies, some
     of which are extremely non-trivial to backport.

     RHEL 5 still has Python 2.4 which makes the backport that much more


Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

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