On 12/09/2014 10:48 AM, Niranjan M.R wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On 12/09/2014 02:57 PM, thierry bordaz wrote:

Niranjan, may I have access to your test machine.

It's a vm on my laptop. I am trying to reproduce on another VM
to which i can give access. I will provide the details of this VM as soon
as possible.

Mean while i am providing ns-slapd access logs, ipa-logs and pkispawn logs.

Something curious is that the installer is waiting for DS to restart but it is looking like DS has not received the terminaison signal.

2014-12-09T09:37:49Z DEBUG Waiting for CA to start...
2014-12-09T09:42:45Z DEBUG Waiting for CA to start...

[09/Dec/2014:04:37:41 -0500] - Warning: Adding configuration attribute "nsslapd-security"

<< here we should expect a restart of DS >>

First why DS did not receive the restart order and then as it is still running (DS looks idle) what does the install is waiting for.


On 12/09/2014 10:01 AM, Martin Kosek wrote:
On 12/07/2014 03:01 PM, Niranjan M.R wrote:
On 12/06/2014 12:24 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
The biggest and the most interesting feature of FreeIPA 4.1.2 is support for 
the two factor authentication using HOTP/TOTP compatible software tokens like 
FreeOTP (open source compatible alternative to Google Authenticator) and 
hardware tokens like Yubikeys. This feature allows Kerberos and LDAP clients of 
a FreeIPA server to authenticate using the normal account password as the first 
factor and an OTP token as a second factor. For those environments where a 2FA 
solution is already in place, FreeIPA can act as a proxy via RADIUS. More about 
this feature can be read here.
If you want to see this feature in downstream distros sooner rather than later 
we need your help!
Please give it a try and provide feedback. We really, really need it!
I am unable to configure ipa-server with freeipa-server-4.1.2-1.fc20.x86_64,  
ipa-server-install fails with below error:

Done configuring certificate server (pki-tomcatd).
Configuring directory server (dirsrv): Estimated time 10 seconds
    [1/3]: configuring ssl for ds instance
    [2/3]: restarting directory server
ipa         : CRITICAL Failed to restart the directory server ([Errno 2] No 
such file or directory:
'/etc/systemd/system/dirsrv.target.wants/dirsrv@EXAMPLE-ORG.service'). See the 
installation log for details.
    [3/3]: adding CA certificate entry
Done configuring directory server (dirsrv).
CA did not start in 300.0s

Versions used:

BaseOS:Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug)

Steps to reproduce:

1. On Fedora-20 system, Used mkosek freeipa repo:
name=Copr repo for freeipa owned by mkosek

2. Install freeipa-server packages from the above repo

3. Issue ipa-server-install

[root@pkiserver1 ~]# ipa-server-install

The log file for this installation can be found in 
This program will set up the FreeIPA Server.

This includes:
    * Configure a stand-alone CA (dogtag) for certificate management
    * Configure the Network Time Daemon (ntpd)
    * Create and configure an instance of Directory Server
    * Create and configure a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC)
    * Configure Apache (httpd)

To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.

WARNING: conflicting time&date synchronization service 'chronyd' will be 
in favor of ntpd

Do you want to configure integrated DNS (BIND)? [no]: yes

Existing BIND configuration detected, overwrite? [no]: yes
Enter the fully qualified domain name of the computer
on which you're setting up server software. Using the form
Example: master.example.com.

Server host name [pkiserver1.example.org]:

Warning: skipping DNS resolution of host pkiserver1.example.org
The domain name has been determined based on the host name.

Please confirm the domain name [example.org]:

The kerberos protocol requires a Realm name to be defined.
This is typically the domain name converted to uppercase.

Please provide a realm name [EXAMPLE.ORG]:
Certain directory server operations require an administrative user.
This user is referred to as the Directory Manager and has full access
to the Directory for system management tasks and will be added to the

The IPA server requires an administrative user, named 'admin'.
This user is a regular system account used for IPA server administration.

IPA admin password:
Password (confirm):

Do you want to configure DNS forwarders? [yes]: no
No DNS forwarders configured
Do you want to configure the reverse zone? [yes]:
Please specify the reverse zone name [122.168.192.in-addr.arpa.]:
Using reverse zone(s) 122.168.192.in-addr.arpa.

The IPA Master Server will be configured with:
Hostname:       pkiserver1.example.org
IP address(es):
Domain name:    example.org
Realm name:     EXAMPLE.ORG

BIND DNS server will be configured to serve IPA domain with:
Forwarders:    No forwarders
Reverse zone(s):  122.168.192.in-addr.arpa.

Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes

The following operations may take some minutes to complete.
Please wait until the prompt is returned.

instance of directory server created for IPA.
The password must be at least 8 characters long.

Directory Manager password:
Password (confirm):
Configuring NTP daemon (ntpd)
    [1/4]: stopping ntpd
    [2/4]: writing configuration
    [3/4]: configuring ntpd to start on boot
    [4/4]: starting ntpd
Done configuring NTP daemon (ntpd).
Configuring directory server (dirsrv): Estimated time 1 minute
    [1/38]: creating directory server user
    [2/38]: creating directory server instance
    [3/38]: adding default schema
    [4/38]: enabling memberof plugin
    [5/38]: enabling winsync plugin
    [6/38]: configuring replication version plugin
    [7/38]: enabling IPA enrollment plugin
    [8/38]: enabling ldapi
    [9/38]: configuring uniqueness plugin
    [10/38]: configuring uuid plugin
    [11/38]: configuring modrdn plugin
    [12/38]: configuring DNS plugin
    [13/38]: enabling entryUSN plugin
    [14/38]: configuring lockout plugin
    [15/38]: creating indices
    [16/38]: enabling referential integrity plugin
    [17/38]: configuring certmap.conf
    [18/38]: configure autobind for root
    [19/38]: configure new location for managed entries
    [20/38]: configure dirsrv ccache
    [21/38]: enable SASL mapping fallback
    [22/38]: restarting directory server
    [23/38]: adding default layout
    [24/38]: adding delegation layout
    [25/38]: creating container for managed entries
    [26/38]: configuring user private groups
    [27/38]: configuring netgroups from hostgroups
    [28/38]: creating default Sudo bind user
    [29/38]: creating default Auto Member layout
    [30/38]: adding range check plugin
    [31/38]: creating default HBAC rule allow_all
    [32/38]: initializing group membership
    [33/38]: adding master entry
    [34/38]: configuring Posix uid/gid generation
    [35/38]: adding replication acis
    [36/38]: enabling compatibility plugin
    [37/38]: tuning directory server
    [38/38]: configuring directory to start on boot
Done configuring directory server (dirsrv).
Configuring certificate server (pki-tomcatd): Estimated time 3 minutes 30 
    [1/27]: creating certificate server user
    [2/27]: configuring certificate server instance
    [3/27]: stopping certificate server instance to update CS.cfg
    [4/27]: backing up CS.cfg
    [5/27]: disabling nonces
    [6/27]: set up CRL publishing
    [7/27]: enable PKIX certificate path discovery and validation
    [8/27]: starting certificate server instance
    [9/27]: creating RA agent certificate database
    [10/27]: importing CA chain to RA certificate database
    [11/27]: fixing RA database permissions
    [12/27]: setting up signing cert profile
    [13/27]: set certificate subject base
    [14/27]: enabling Subject Key Identifier
    [15/27]: enabling Subject Alternative Name
    [16/27]: enabling CRL and OCSP extensions for certificates
    [17/27]: setting audit signing renewal to 2 years
    [18/27]: configuring certificate server to start on boot
    [19/27]: restarting certificate server
    [20/27]: requesting RA certificate from CA
    [21/27]: issuing RA agent certificate
    [22/27]: adding RA agent as a trusted user
    [23/27]: configure certmonger for renewals
    [24/27]: configure certificate renewals
    [25/27]: configure RA certificate renewal
    [26/27]: configure Server-Cert certificate renewal
    [27/27]: Configure HTTP to proxy connections
Done configuring certificate server (pki-tomcatd).
Configuring directory server (dirsrv): Estimated time 10 seconds
    [1/3]: configuring ssl for ds instance
    [2/3]: restarting directory server
ipa         : CRITICAL Failed to restart the directory server ([Errno 2] No 
such file or directory:
'/etc/systemd/system/dirsrv.target.wants/dirsrv@EXAMPLE-ORG.service'). See the 
installation log for details.
    [3/3]: adding CA certificate entry
Done configuring directory server (dirsrv).

CA did not start in 300.0s

Attaching ipaserver-install.log, pkispawn logs

Any hints on how to overcome the above error.
The error is obviously in Directory Server restart. I am not sure what causes

2014-12-07T11:16:25Z DEBUG   [2/3]: restarting directory server
2014-12-07T11:16:25Z CRITICAL Failed to restart the directory server ([Errno 2]
No such file or directory:
'/etc/systemd/system/dirsrv.target.wants/dirsrv@EXAMPLE-ORG.service'). See the
installation log for details.

The first restart worked and it uses the same call, AFAIK. It would be
interesting to see the latest logs of the instance after ipa-server-install

# systemctl status dirsrv@EXAMPLE-ORG.service

It may have some useful logs that would reveal what happened.


- -- Niranjan
irc: mrniranjan
Version: GnuPG v1


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