On 12/11/2014 09:42 AM, Chris Card wrote:
>> On 12/10/2014 04:54 PM, Chris Card wrote:
>>>>> On 12/10/2014 12:57 PM, Chris Card wrote:
>>>> thanks Martin,
>>>>>> I've installed freeipa 4.1.1 on Fedora 21, and successfully set up a 
>>>>>> freeipa server and a freeipa client machine.
>>>>>> I've set up a user with ssh keys, and can successfully ssh onto the 
>>>>>> client machine.
>>>>>> I'm trying to setup sudo rules so that if the user is in a given user 
>>>>>> group, then the user can run "sudo su -" on the client to become root.
>>>> <snip>
>>>>>> [root@fedora21-freeipa log]# ipa hostgroup-show
>>>>>> Host-group: cog
>>>>>> Host-group: cog
>>>>>> Member hosts: ipaclient21.testdomain21.com
>>>>>> Member of Sudo rule: All
>>>>>> [root@fedora21-freeipa log]# ipa sudorule-show All
>>>>>> Rule name: All
>>>>>> Enabled: TRUE
>>>>>> Command category: all
>>>>>> RunAs User category: all
>>>>>> RunAs Group category: all
>>>>>> User Groups: cog_rw
>>>>>> Host Groups: cog
>>>>>> Sudo Option: !authenticate
>>>>>> but this setup doesn't work, i.e. even though the user is in the user 
>>>>>> group and the client machine is in the host group, sudo su - fails. Is 
>>>>>> this a bug, or have I missed something?
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>> With FreeIPA 4.1.1, client sudo integration should be automatically 
>>>>> configured,
>>>>> so it should just work, including hostgroups. In your case, I would start 
>>>>> with
>>>>> investigating
>>>>> http://www.freeipa.org/page/Troubleshooting#sudo_does_not_work_for_hostgroups
>>>>> If that does not help, I bet SSSD devs will ask for logs.
>>>> I've done the troubleshooting steps:
>>>> [root@ipaclient21 log]# nisdomainname
>>>> testdomain21.com
>>>> [root@ipaclient21 log]# getent netgroup cog
>>>> cog (ipaclient21.testdomain21.com,-,testdomain21.com)
>>>> I tried adding sudoers_debug 2 to /etc/sudo-ldap.conf on the client 
>>>> machine, but I'm not sure if that's the right file (it didn't exist 
>>>> before).
>>>> I have debug_level set to 9 in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf, so I can see some 
>>>> stuff in /var/log/sssd/sssd_testdomain21.com.log but no obvious error 
>>>> messages.
>>> I worked out how to set up debug for sudo. sudoers_debug is deprecated now, 
>>> but I created /etc/sssd.conf with a line
>>> Debug sudo /var/log/sudo_debug all@debug
>>> and I saw this in the debug output:
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> sudo_sss_check_host @ ./sssd.c:557
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] val[0]=+cog
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> addr_matches @ ./match_addr.c:189
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> addr_matches_if @ ./match_addr.c:61
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] <- addr_matches_if @ ./match_addr.c:99 := false
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] <- addr_matches @ ./match_addr.c:199 := false
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> netgr_matches @ ./match.c:899
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] <- netgr_matches @ ./match.c:918 := false
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> hostname_matches @ ./match.c:758
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] <- hostname_matches @ ./match.c:769 := false
>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] sssd/ldap sudoHost '+cog' ... not
>>> The problem is that the hostname command on the client was returning a 
>>> short hostname, ipaclient21, instead of a FQDN, 
>>> ipaclient21.testdomain21.com and when I forced the hostname to be the FQDN 
>>> the sudo command worked.
>>> The short hostname comes from the fact that the client machine is an 
>>> openstack instance, and that appears to be a feature of openstack instances 
>>> :(
>> So on the OpenStack instance, even "hostname -f" does not show the FQDN? If
>> this is the case, I am not sure what we could do, sudo somehow needs to learn
>> the FQDN.
> I can set up the instance so that hostname -f returns the FQDN, but the only 
> way I can get hostname to return the FQDN is if I explicitly run "hostname 
> <FQDN>"; unfortunately this doesn't survive a reboot.

You should be able to just set the hostname to /etc/hostname (for older
platforms, it may also be in /etc/sysconfig/network) and it should survive the
reboot. I do not think that OpenStack really cares that much what hostname did
you set up in the system after the VM is created.

At least my OpenStack VM with the FreeIPA demo works this way.


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