> On 12/11/2014 09:42 AM, Chris Card wrote:
>>> On 12/10/2014 04:54 PM, Chris Card wrote:
>>>>>> On 12/10/2014 12:57 PM, Chris Card wrote:
>>>>> thanks Martin,
>>>>>>> I've installed freeipa 4.1.1 on Fedora 21, and successfully set up a 
>>>>>>> freeipa server and a freeipa client machine.
>>>>>>> I've set up a user with ssh keys, and can successfully ssh onto the 
>>>>>>> client machine.
>>>>>>> I'm trying to setup sudo rules so that if the user is in a given user 
>>>>>>> group, then the user can run "sudo su -" on the client to become root.
>>>>> <snip>
>>>>>>> [root@fedora21-freeipa log]# ipa hostgroup-show
>>>>>>> Host-group: cog
>>>>>>> Host-group: cog
>>>>>>> Member hosts: ipaclient21.testdomain21.com
>>>>>>> Member of Sudo rule: All
>>>>>>> [root@fedora21-freeipa log]# ipa sudorule-show All
>>>>>>> Rule name: All
>>>>>>> Enabled: TRUE
>>>>>>> Command category: all
>>>>>>> RunAs User category: all
>>>>>>> RunAs Group category: all
>>>>>>> User Groups: cog_rw
>>>>>>> Host Groups: cog
>>>>>>> Sudo Option: !authenticate
>>>>>>> but this setup doesn't work, i.e. even though the user is in the user 
>>>>>>> group and the client machine is in the host group, sudo su - fails. Is 
>>>>>>> this a bug, or have I missed something?
>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> With FreeIPA 4.1.1, client sudo integration should be automatically 
>>>>>> configured,
>>>>>> so it should just work, including hostgroups. In your case, I would 
>>>>>> start with
>>>>>> investigating
>>>>>> http://www.freeipa.org/page/Troubleshooting#sudo_does_not_work_for_hostgroups
>>>>>> If that does not help, I bet SSSD devs will ask for logs.
>>>>> I've done the troubleshooting steps:
>>>>> [root@ipaclient21 log]# nisdomainname
>>>>> testdomain21.com
>>>>> [root@ipaclient21 log]# getent netgroup cog
>>>>> cog (ipaclient21.testdomain21.com,-,testdomain21.com)
>>>>> I tried adding sudoers_debug 2 to /etc/sudo-ldap.conf on the client 
>>>>> machine, but I'm not sure if that's the right file (it didn't exist 
>>>>> before).
>>>>> I have debug_level set to 9 in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf, so I can see some 
>>>>> stuff in /var/log/sssd/sssd_testdomain21.com.log but no obvious error 
>>>>> messages.
>>>> I worked out how to set up debug for sudo. sudoers_debug is deprecated 
>>>> now, but I created /etc/sssd.conf with a line
>>>> Debug sudo /var/log/sudo_debug all@debug
>>>> and I saw this in the debug output:
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> sudo_sss_check_host @ ./sssd.c:557
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] val[0]=+cog
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> addr_matches @ ./match_addr.c:189
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> addr_matches_if @ ./match_addr.c:61
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] <- addr_matches_if @ ./match_addr.c:99 := false
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] <- addr_matches @ ./match_addr.c:199 := false
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> netgr_matches @ ./match.c:899
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] <- netgr_matches @ ./match.c:918 := false
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] -> hostname_matches @ ./match.c:758
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] <- hostname_matches @ ./match.c:769 := false
>>>> Dec 10 15:42:57 sudo[10046] sssd/ldap sudoHost '+cog' ... not
>>>> The problem is that the hostname command on the client was returning a 
>>>> short hostname, ipaclient21, instead of a FQDN, 
>>>> ipaclient21.testdomain21.com and when I forced the hostname to be the FQDN 
>>>> the sudo command worked.
>>>> The short hostname comes from the fact that the client machine is an 
>>>> openstack instance, and that appears to be a feature of openstack 
>>>> instances :(
>>> So on the OpenStack instance, even "hostname -f" does not show the FQDN? If
>>> this is the case, I am not sure what we could do, sudo somehow needs to 
>>> learn
>>> the FQDN.
>> I can set up the instance so that hostname -f returns the FQDN, but the only 
>> way I can get hostname to return the FQDN is if I explicitly run "hostname 
>> <FQDN>"; unfortunately this doesn't survive a reboot.
> You should be able to just set the hostname to /etc/hostname (for older
> platforms, it may also be in /etc/sysconfig/network) and it should survive the
> reboot. I do not think that OpenStack really cares that much what hostname did
> you set up in the system after the VM is created.
> At least my OpenStack VM with the FreeIPA demo works this way.
I found that simply editing /etc/hostname and rebooting didn't work, because 
cloud-init resets the hostname. But if I create the instance with a cloud-init 
script to set the hostname to the FQDN, and then reboot the instance after 
creation, /etc/hostname contains the FQDN and hostname returns the FQDN.



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