On 04/21/2015 09:11 AM, Martin Kosek wrote:
On 04/21/2015 01:26 AM, Janelle wrote:

When I was working with OpenLDAP, and AD - and did not deal with "RUV"s the way
I am with 389-ds and IPA.

I am trying to understand what is "normal" for values. If I am looking at this
(and seem to have no replication problems):

ipa-replica-manage list-ruv

ipa001.example.com:389: 13
ipa002.example.com:389: 12
ipa003.example.com:389: 11
ipa004.example.com:389: 10
ipa005.example.com:389: 7
ipa006.example.com:389: 6
ipa007.example.com:389: 5
ipa008.example.com:389: 3
ipa009.example.com:389: 16
ipa00a.example.com:389: 17
ipa00b.example.com:389: 15
ipa00c.example.com:389: 14
ipa00d.example.com:389: 9
ipa00e.example.com:389: 8
ipa00f.example.com:389: 4

I guess I was wondering, should I be seeing all the same values or should they
all be unique based on being "replicated" and the order they were added?
They should be unique, that's for sure. There is some info on them in Red Hat
DS docs:


I am just not sure if they are replicated or per-server. But given they live in
SUFFIX, I assume they are. The list above looks OK to me, so it should not
cause the replication problems.


Yes this RUV is normal.

The RUV is a special 389-ds entry that is per server. This entry allows replication protocol (run by the replica agreements)
to detect what updates are missing and then send the missing ones.

The command list-ruv displays a subset of the attribute values of that entry. It displays url and the replicaId. A normal RUV in a replication topology contains unique replicaId and a url must be listed only once.


But I am rather CCing Thierry to advise here.

Or is
it telling me something else? Sorry, I guess I am still trying to wrap my head
around replication metadata.

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