On 05/23/2015 10:21 PM, Janelle wrote:
> I have a question regarding passwords.
> It seems IPA does a very nice job of generating random passwords.


> Is there a
> way to use that feature without actually setting it on a user?  Something akin
> to "pwgen"?
> Thank you
> ~Janelle

There is no explicit script to do , there was no demand or value so far. You
would need to call for that functionality yourself in a python script. This
works for me with FreeIPA 4.1 for example:

# python -c "from ipalib import api; api.bootstrap(); api.finalize(); from
ipalib.plugins.user import user_pwdchars; from ipapython.ipautil import
ipa_generate_password; print ipa_generate_password(user_pwdchars)"

If you have a vision/idea why/how/when FreeIPA could be used as a Password
generated, please feel free to file RFE (and send patches :-)


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