All right,
Thanks a million!


On 10/05/2015 11:29 AM, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 10/05/2015 10:58 AM, Andreas Calminder wrote:
guessing this is a quite frequent question, but I can't find any solid
information about the topic.
I want to specify a set of default sudo options so I don't have to
specify these options for every other sudo rule I create.
There's supposed to be a magic "defaults" rule.
This old document
( suggests
it's cn=defaults,ou=sudorules,dc=example,dc=com which doesn't exist in
my ipa 4.1 installation others suggest it's under
ou=sudoers,dc=example,dc=com when poking around in ldap it looks like it
could also be cn=sudorules,cn=sudo,dc=example,dc=com, but there is no
way to be sure. Also, might it be as simple as create a defaults rule in
the webui or cli with the default options set or is this a ldapmodify

just create a sudo rule named "defaults" through ipa cli or wui.

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