On Wed, 11 Nov 2015, Oliver Dörr wrote:

i've tried user_mod instead because of https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/18/html/FreeIPA_Guide/pwd-expiration.html and got

Error-code:    2100
Error-name:    ACIError
Error-msg: Insufficient access: Insufficient 'write' privilege to the 'krbPasswordExpiration' attribute of entry 'uid=k812339,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=kreditwerk,dc=de'.

Inside the acces log of the LDAP Server I could see...

[09/Nov/2015:18:40:31 +0100] conn=658 op=7 MOD dn="uid=k812339,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=kreditwerk,dc=de" [09/Nov/2015:18:40:31 +0100] conn=658 op=7 RESULT err=50 tag=103 nentries=0 etime=0

So it looks like it is a permission issue. But I still have the problem when use admin to do the job. Any idea about how to change the permission or an API that it is able to do the job?
You simply cannot make it working for cases when a password change
coming from a non-user. This is intentional.

See http://www.freeipa.org/page/New_Passwords_Expired

You can do double change via LDAP password change (or Kerberos) where you 
changre a
password first to something temporary, then try to change it again as a
user with that temporary password and set a new one. Since the second
change would be done as a user, that should allow the change to happen
without raising a flag.

Thanks in advance

Am 11.11.2015 um 15:29 schrieb Oliver Dörr:

i'm still working with the JSON API and I now have the problem, that I want to add a user with a not expired password. I've tried setattr and addattr with the following JSON code, but both fail. {"params":[[],{"givenname":"Oliver","userpassword":"start123","uid":"k812339","version":"2.151","addattr":"krbpasswordexpiration=20160207010919Z","cn":"Oliver Support","sn":"Support"}],"id":0,"method":"user_add"}


The user is added to IPA, but the user is still forced to change it's password. In the response I could see that my krbpasswordexpiration is ignored.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


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