On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 05:13:35PM +0200, Winfried de Heiden wrote:
> Hi all,
> The sssd-ipa man page will tell:
>        ipa_enable_dns_sites (boolean)
>            Enables DNS sites - location based service discovery.
>            If true and service discovery (see Service Discovery paragraph at
> the bottom of the man page) is enabled, then the SSSD will first attempt
>            location based discovery using a query that contains
> "_location.hostname.example.com" and then fall back to traditional SRV
> discovery. If the
>            location based discovery succeeds, the IPA servers located with the
> location based discovery are treated as primary servers and the IPA servers
>            located using the traditional SRV discovery are used as back up
> servers
> After enabling it in a EL 6.8 IPA client (together with some debugging) this
> will show up in the sssd logging:
>     (Mon May 30 16:51:08 2016) [sssd[be[blabla.bla]]]
>     [resolv_discover_srv_next_domain] (0x0400): SRV resolution of service
>     'ldap'. Will use DNS discovery domain '_location.ipa-client-6.blabla.bla'
>     (Mon May 30 16:51:08 2016) [sssd[be[blabla.bla]]] [resolv_getsrv_send]
>     (0x0100): Trying to resolve SRV record of
>     '_ldap._tcp._location.ipa-client-6.blabla.bla'
> Since this option is mentioned in the sssd-ipa man page, it sugests I could
> implement this location based service discovery.
> But how? Any documentation on this? How to implement on the server? How to
> implement a location on the client (while running ipa-client-install)
> Hope someone can help, it would be nice a client will choose the correct 
> server
> based on it's location...

In this case SSSD was a bit faster then the server side. Please monitor
https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2008 for the progress. There is
a link to a design page with more details as well.



P.S. I changed the mailing-list address to @redhat.com.
> Winny

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