On 2.6.2016 18:30, lejeczek wrote:
> hi users,
> I do (all on IPA server)
> $ host
> Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
> I do:
> $ host
> domain name pointer ......
> I do:
> $ ipa dnsrecord-find 5.10.in-addr.arpa
>   Record name: @
>   NS record: rider.private.dom., swir.private.dom.,
>              work5.private.dom.
>   Record name: 19.10
>   PTR record: work1.private.dom.
>   Record name: 23.10
>   PTR record: work5.private.dom.
>   Record name: 100.6
>   PTR record: rider.private.dom.
>   Record name: 17.6
>   PTR record: dzien.private.dom.
>   Record name: 32.6
>   PTR record: swir.private.dom.
> ----------------------------
> Number of entries returned 6
> dig also find these records.
> this is probably why replica fails with:
> ipa.ipapython.install.cli.install_tool(Replica): ERROR    Unable to resolve
> the IP address to a host name, check /etc/hosts and DNS name
> resolution
> must be something trivial?

Likely :-) It could have multiple reasons.
E.g. DNS delegation from parent domain could be broken which could cause this 

Please try commands
$ dig -x <IP address> PTR


$ dig -x <IP address> SOA

and post their output, preferably without redacting it because the attempt to
hind real names often hide the root cause. I will have a look.

Petr^2 Spacek

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