On 08/29/2016 10:53 AM, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
Hi Thierry,

My machine has 30GB RAM ..and  389-ds version is 1.3.4

ldapsearch shows the values for nsslapd-cachememsize updated to 200MB.

ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no -D "cn=directory manager" -w 'mypassword' -b 'cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config'|grep nsslapd-cachememsize
nsslapd-cachememsize: 209715200

So, it seems to have updated though seeing that warning(WARNING: ipaca: entry cache size 10485760B is less than db size 11599872B) in the log confuses me a bit.

Thers one more entry that I found from the ldapsearch to be bit low

nsslapd-dncachememsize: 10485760
maxdncachesize: 10485760

Should I update these as well to a higher value

At the time when the issue happened, the memory usage as well as the overall load of the system was very low . I will try reproducing the issue atleast in my QA env..probably by trying to mock simultaneous parallel logins to a large number of hosts

To monitor your cache sizes, please use the dbmon.sh tool provided with your distro. If that is not available with your particular distro, see https://github.com/richm/scripts/wiki/dbmon.sh


On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 8:16 PM, thierry bordaz <tbor...@redhat.com <mailto:tbor...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    Hi Rakesh,

    Those tuning may depend on the memory available on your machine.
    nsslapd-cachememsize allows the entry cache to consume up to 200Mb
    but its memory footprint is known to go above.
    200Mb both looks pretty good to me. How large is your machine ?
    What is your version of 389-ds ?

    Those warnings do not change your settings. It just raise that
    entry cache of 'ipaca' and 'retrocl' are small but it is fine. The
    size of the entry cache is important mostly in userRoot.
    You may double check the actual values, after restart, with
    ldapsearch on 'cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config'
    and 'cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config'.

    A step is to know what will be response time of DS to know if it
    is responsible of the hang or not.
    The logs and possibly pstack during those intermittent hangs will
    help to determine that.


    On 08/29/2016 04:25 PM, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
    I tried increasing the nsslapd-dbcachesize and
    nsslapd-cachememsize in my QA envs to 200MB.

    However, in my log files, I still see this message
    [29/Aug/2016:04:34:37 +0000] - WARNING: ipaca: entry cache size
    10485760B is less than db size 11599872B; We recommend to
    increase the entry cache size nsslapd-cachememsize.
    [29/Aug/2016:04:34:37 +0000] - WARNING: changelog: entry cache
    size 2097152B is less than db size 441647104B; We recommend to
    increase the entry cache size nsslapd-cachememsize.

    these are my ldif files that i used to modify the values
    modify entry cache size
    cat modify-cache-mem-size.ldif
    dn: cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
    changetype: modify
    replace: nsslapd-cachememsize
    nsslapd-cachememsize: 209715200

    modify db cache size
    cat modfy-db-cache-size.ldif
    dn: cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
    changetype: modify
    replace: nsslapd-dbcachesize
    nsslapd-dbcachesize: 209715200

    After modifying , i restarted IPA services

    Is there anything else that  I need to take care of as the logs
    suggest its still not getting the updated values


    On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 6:07 PM, Rakesh Rajasekharan
    <mailto:rakesh.rajasekha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hi Thierry,

        Coz of the issues we had to revert back to earlier running
        openldap in production.

        I have now done a few TCP related changes in sysctl.conf and
        have also increased the nsslapd-dbcachesize and
        nsslapd-cachememsize to 200MB

        I will again start migrating hosts back to IPA and see if I
        face the earlier issue.

        I will update back once I have something


        On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 2:17 PM, thierry bordaz
        <tbor...@redhat.com <mailto:tbor...@redhat.com>> wrote:

            On 08/25/2016 10:15 AM, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
            All of the troubleshooting seems fine.

            However, Running libconv.pl <http://libconv.pl> gives me
            this output

            ----- Recommendations -----

             1.  You have unindexed components, this can be caused
            from a search on an unindexed attribute, or your
            returned results exceeded the allidsthreshold. Unindexed
            components are not recommended. To refuse unindexed
            searches, switch 'nsslapd-require-index' to 'on' under
            your database entry (e.g. cn=UserRoot,cn=ldbm

             2.  You have a significant difference between binds and
            unbinds.  You may want to investigate this difference.

            I feel, this could be a pointer to things going slow..
            and IPA hanging. I think i now have something that I can
            try and nail down this issue.

            On a sidenote, I was earlier running openldap and
            migrated over to Freeipa,


            On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Petr Spacek
            <pspa...@redhat.com <mailto:pspa...@redhat.com>> wrote:

                On 23.8.2016 18:44, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
                > I think thers something seriously wrong with my system
                > not able to run any  IPA commands
                > klist
                > Ticket cache: KEYRING:persistent:0:0
                > Default principal: ad...@xyz.com
                > Valid starting      Expires       Service principal
                > 2016-08-23T16:26:36 2016-08-24T16:26:22
                krbtgt/xyz....@xyz.com <mailto:xyz....@xyz.com>
                > [root@prod-ipa-master-1a :~] ipactl status
                > Directory Service: RUNNING
                > krb5kdc Service: RUNNING
                > kadmin Service: RUNNING
                > ipa_memcached Service: RUNNING
                > httpd Service: RUNNING
                > pki-tomcatd Service: RUNNING
                > ipa-otpd Service: RUNNING
                > ipa: INFO: The ipactl command was successful
                > [root@prod-ipa-master :~] ipa user-find p-testuser
                > ipa: ERROR: Kerberos error: ('Unspecified GSS
                failure.  Minor code may
                > provide more information', 851968)/("Cannot
                contact any KDC for realm '
                > XYZ.COM <http://XYZ.COM>'", -1765328228)

            Hi Rakesh,

                Having a reproducible test case would you rerun the
                command above.
                During its processing you may monitor DS process load
                (top). If it is high, you may get some pstacks of it.
                Also would you attach the part of DS access logs
                taken during the command.



                This is weird because the server seems to be up.

                Please follow

                Petr^2 Spacek

                > Thanks
                > Rakesh
                > On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:01 PM, Rakesh
                Rajasekharan <
                > rakesh.rajasekha...@gmail.com
                <mailto:rakesh.rajasekha...@gmail.com>> wrote:
                >> i changed the loggin level to 4 . Modifying
                >> But, the hang is still there. though I dont see
                the sigfault now
                >> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 9:02 PM, Rakesh
                Rajasekharan <
                >> rakesh.rajasekha...@gmail.com
                <mailto:rakesh.rajasekha...@gmail.com>> wrote:
                >>> My disk was getting filled too fast
                >>> logs under /var/log/dirsrv was coming around 5
                gb quickly filling up
                >>> Is there a way to make the logging less verbose
                >>> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 6:41 PM, Petr Spacek
                <pspa...@redhat.com <mailto:pspa...@redhat.com>> wrote:
                >>>> On 23.8.2016 15:07, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
                >>>>> I was able to fix that may be temporarily...
                when i checked the
                >>>> network..
                >>>>> there was another process that was running and
                consuming a lot of
                >>>> network (
                >>>>> i have no idea who did that. I need to
                seriously start restricting
                >>>> people
                >>>>> access to this machine )
                >>>>> after killing that perfomance improved drastically
                >>>>> But now, suddenly I started experiencing the
                same hang.
                >>>>> This time , I gert the following error when
                checked dmesg
                >>>>> [  301.236976] ns-slapd[3124]: segfault at 0
                ip 00007f1de416951c sp
                >>>>> 00007f1dee1dba70 error 4 in
                >>>>> [ 1116.248431] TCP: request_sock_TCP: Possible
                SYN flooding on port 88.
                >>>>> Sending cookies.  Check SNMP counters.
                >>>>> [11831.397037] ns-slapd[22550]: segfault at 0
                ip 00007f533d82251c sp
                >>>>> 00007f5347894a70 error 4 in
                >>>>> [11832.727989] ns-slapd[22606]: segfault at 0
                ip 00007f6231eb951c sp
                >>>>> 00007f623bf2ba70 error 4 in
                >>>> Okay, this one is serious. The LDAP server crashed.
                >>>> 1. Make sure all your packages are up-to-date.
                >>>> Please see
                >>>> ebugging-crashes
                >>>> for further instructions how to debug this.
                >>>> Petr^2 Spacek
                >>>>> and in /var/log/dirsrv/example-com/errors
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:36 +0000] DSRetroclPlugin -
                >>>> could
                >>>>> not delete change record 3291138 (rc: 32)
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:36 +0000] DSRetroclPlugin -
                >>>> could
                >>>>> not delete change record 3291139 (rc: 32)
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:36 +0000] DSRetroclPlugin -
                >>>> could
                >>>>> not delete change record 3291140 (rc: 32)
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:36 +0000] DSRetroclPlugin -
                >>>> could
                >>>>> not delete change record 3291141 (rc: 32)
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:36 +0000] DSRetroclPlugin -
                >>>> could
                >>>>> not delete change record 3291142 (rc: 32)
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:36 +0000] DSRetroclPlugin -
                >>>> could
                >>>>> not delete change record 3291143 (rc: 32)
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:36 +0000] DSRetroclPlugin -
                >>>> could
                >>>>> not delete change record 3291144 (rc: 32)
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:36 +0000] DSRetroclPlugin -
                >>>> could
                >>>>> not delete change record 3291145 (rc: 32)
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:50 +0000] - Retry count
                exceeded in delete
                >>>>> [23/Aug/2016:12:49:50 +0000] DSRetroclPlugin -
                >>>> could
                >>>>> not delete change record 3292734 (rc: 51)
                >>>>> Can  i do something about this error.. I treid
                to restart ipa a couple
                >>>> of
                >>>>> time but that did not help
                >>>>> Thanks
                >>>>> Rakesh
                >>>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Petr Spacek
                <pspa...@redhat.com <mailto:pspa...@redhat.com>>
                >>>> wrote:
                >>>>>> On 19.8.2016 19:32, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
                >>>>>>> I am running my set up on AWS cloud, and
                entropy is low at around
                >>>> 180 .
                >>>>>>> I plan to increase it bu installing haveged
                . But, would low entropy
                >>>> by
                >>>>>> any
                >>>>>>> chance cause this issue of intermittent hang .
                >>>>>>> Also, the hang is mostly observed when
                registering around 20 clients
                >>>>>>> together
                >>>>>> Possibly, I'm not sure. If you want to dig
                into this, I would do this:
                >>>>>> 1. look what process hangs on client (using
                pstree command or so)
                >>>>>> $ pstree
                >>>>>> 2. look to what server and port is the
                hanging client connected to
                >>>>>> $ lsof -p <PID of the hanging process>
                >>>>>> 3. jump to server and see what process is
                bound to the target port
                >>>>>> $ netstat -pn
                >>>>>> 4. see where the process if hanging
                >>>>>> $ strace -p <PID of the hanging process>
                >>>>>> I hope it helps.
                >>>>>> Petr^2 Spacek
                >>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 7:24 PM, Rakesh
                Rajasekharan <
                >>>>>>> rakesh.rajasekha...@gmail.com
                <mailto:rakesh.rajasekha...@gmail.com>> wrote:
                >>>>>>>> yes there seems to be something thats
                worrying.. I have faced this
                >>>> today
                >>>>>>>> as well.
                >>>>>>>> There are few hosts around 280 odd left and
                when i try adding them
                >>>> to
                >>>>>> IPA
                >>>>>>>> , the slowness begins..
                >>>>>>>> all the ipa commands like ipa user-find..
                etc becomes very slow in
                >>>>>>>> responding.
                >>>>>>>> the SYNC_RECV are not many though just
                around 80-90 and today that
                >>>> was
                >>>>>>>> around 20 only
                >>>>>>>> I have for now increased
                tcp_max_syn_backlog to 5000.
                >>>>>>>> For now the slowness seems to have gone..
                but I will do a try
                >>>> adding the
                >>>>>>>> clients again tomorrow and see how it goes
                >>>>>>>> Thanks
                >>>>>>>> Rakesh
                >>>>>>>> The issues
                >>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 12:58 PM, Petr
                Spacek <pspa...@redhat.com <mailto:pspa...@redhat.com>>
                >>>>>> wrote:
                >>>>>>>>> On 18.8.2016 17:23, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
                >>>>>>>>>> Hi
                >>>>>>>>>> I am migrating to freeipa from openldap
                and have around 4000
                >>>> clients
                >>>>>>>>>> I had openned a another thread on that,
                but chose to start a new
                >>>> one
                >>>>>>>>> here
                >>>>>>>>>> as its a separate issue
                >>>>>>>>>> I was able to change the
                nssslapd-maxdescriptors adding an ldif
                >>>> file
                >>>>>>>>>> cat nsslapd-modify.ldif
                >>>>>>>>>> dn: cn=config
                >>>>>>>>>> changetype: modify
                >>>>>>>>>> replace: nsslapd-maxdescriptors
                >>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-maxdescriptors: 17000
                >>>>>>>>>> and running the ldapmodify command
                >>>>>>>>>> I have now started moving clients running
                an openldap to Freeipa
                >>>> and
                >>>>>>>>> have
                >>>>>>>>>> today moved close to 2000 clients
                >>>>>>>>>> However, I have noticed that IPA hangs
                >>>>>>>>>> running a kinit admin returns the below error
                >>>>>>>>>> kinit: Generic error (see e-text) while
                getting initial
                >>>> credentials
                >>>>>>>>>> from the /var/log/messages, I see this entry
                >>>>>>>>>>  prod-ipa-master-int kernel:
                [104090.315801] TCP:
                >>>> request_sock_TCP:
                >>>>>>>>>> Possible SYN flooding on port 88. Sending
                cookies.  Check SNMP
                >>>>>> counters.
                >>>>>>>>> I would be worried about this message.
                Maybe kernel/firewall is
                >>>> doing
                >>>>>>>>> something fishy behind your back and
                blocking some connections or
                >>>> so.
                >>>>>>>>> Petr^2 Spacek
                >>>>>>>>>> Aug 18 13:00:01 prod-ipa-master-int
                systemd[1]: Started Session
                >>>> 4885
                >>>>>> of
                >>>>>>>>>> user root.
                >>>>>>>>>> Aug 18 13:00:01 prod-ipa-master-int
                systemd[1]: Starting Session
                >>>> 4885
                >>>>>> of
                >>>>>>>>>> user root.
                >>>>>>>>>> Aug 18 13:01:01 prod-ipa-master-int
                systemd[1]: Started Session
                >>>> 4886
                >>>>>> of
                >>>>>>>>>> user root.
                >>>>>>>>>> Aug 18 13:01:01 prod-ipa-master-int
                systemd[1]: Starting Session
                >>>> 4886
                >>>>>> of
                >>>>>>>>>> user root.
                >>>>>>>>>> Aug 18 13:02:40 prod-ipa-master-int
                python[28984]: ansible-command
                >>>>>>>>> Invoked
                >>>>>>>>>> with creates=None executable=None
                shell=True args= removes=None
                >>>>>>>>> warn=True
                >>>>>>>>>> chdir=None
                >>>>>>>>>> Aug 18 13:04:37 prod-ipa-master-int
                sssd_be: GSSAPI Error:
                >>>> Unspecified
                >>>>>>>>> GSS
                >>>>>>>>>> failure.  Minor code may provide more
                information (KDC returned
                >>>> error
                >>>>>>>>>> string: PROCESS_TGS)
                >>>>>>>>>> Could it be possible that its due to the
                initial load of adding
                >>>> the
                >>>>>>>>> clients
                >>>>>>>>>> or is there something else that I need to
                take care of.

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