On 11/24/2016 07:30 PM, lejeczek wrote:

On 24/11/16 17:14, lejeczek wrote:

I see this:

2 ranges matched
  Range name: xx.id_range
  First Posix ID of the range: 1952400000
  Number of IDs in the range: 200000
  First RID of the corresponding RID range: 0
  Domain SID of the trusted domain:
  Range type: Active Directory domain range

  Range name: xx.xx.xx.xx.x_id_range
  First Posix ID of the range: 1875000000
  Number of IDs in the range: 200000
  First RID of the corresponding RID range: 1000
  First RID of the secondary RID range: 100000000
  Range type: local domain range
Number of entries returned 2

some time ago when I first set up IPA I migrated users from samba3's
ldap backend. Since then until today there was no new users I needed
to add but now I do.
First on the list range I think it is a remnant of AD trust which does
not exists any more (should it be removed?).
I'm not sure how to read those ranges info, one thing I notice is that
UIDs from migration are probably between 500 & 2000 and now if I
supply uid manually to user-add and gid (which is old Samba's domain
users group) then creation of new user succeeds.
Is this normal, expected?


ok, solution(ldapmodify) to the problem:
but could some experts shed more light on it - I see that some time
ago(after migration/import) I actually created manually a user:
$ id netdevadmin
uid=1875000006(netdevadmin) gid=1875000006(netdevadmin)

today, after ldapmodify I create a new user but uids seem to come from
(what?) a different range??
$ id appmgr
uid=3501(appmgr) gid=3501(appmgr) groups=3501(appmgr)

what's is happening?

You are seeing this because you probably set dnaMaxValue too low (5000 or so) and, as tha name of the attribute implies, it sets the maximum UID/GID for the range assigned by the plugin.

By default, the local IPA ID ranges are set to huge numbers (on my test VMs I have dnaMaxValue 241799999) to aviod collisions with UIDs/GIDs of local users which are typically in the range of thousands/tens of thousands).

However, the changes done directly in the DNA plugin configuration are not reflected in ID range objects, that's why you may observe the disparity between ID range characteristics and actual UIDs/GIDs provisioned.

Martin^3 Babinsky

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