Robert Kudyba wrote:
> Using the sample script
> <>
>  I’m
> trying to use hosts that are in various states meaning they could be
> powered off or disconnected, in our 2 campuses. We maintain a “master”
> /etc/hosts file just to document how are static IP’s are assigned. When
> I try to use the script I get asked for the zone name for each host. We
> use the DNS of the university rather than running one on the FreeIPA
> Fedora 25 server. This is a new install so I can redo this as needed.
> Here’s what I get:
> ./ nisname
> <>
> Zone name: 
> ipa: ERROR: 'name' is required
> awk: cmd. line:1: {print $3 "."
> <> "." nisname ""}
> awk: cmd. line:1:                  ^ syntax error
> Zone name: subdomain
> ipa: ERROR: DNS is not configured

Looks to me like the DNS component was not configured in IPA so all the
dns-* commands will fail.

> Note I’m using our real domain and subdomain from above. The script is
> below. Can I hard code our domain and/or sub-domain some where in the
> script to get around the Zone name being prompted for each host?
> #!/bin/sh
> # 1 is the nis domain, 2 is the nis master server
> ypcat -d $1-h $2hosts | egrep -v "localhost|">
> /dev/shm/nis-map.hosts 2>&1 
> IFS=$'\n' 
> forline in$(cat /dev/shm/nis-map.hosts); do 
>         IFS=' ' 
>         ipaddress=$(echo $line|awk '{print $1}') 
>         hostname=$(echo $line|awk '{print $2}') 
>         master=$(ipa env xmlrpc_uri |tr -d '[:space:]'|cut -f3 -d:|cut
> -f3 -d/) 
>         domain=$(ipa env domain|tr -d '[:space:]'|cut -f2 -d:) 

I'd move these two ipa env commands out of the loop. These values won't
change and will just work to slow down the import.


>         if[ $(echo $hostname|grep "\."|wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then 
>                 hostname=$(echo $hostname.$domain) 
>         fi 
>         zone=$(echo $hostname|cut -f2- -d.) 
>         if[ $(ipa dnszone-show $zone2>/dev/null | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then 
>                 ipa dnszone-add
> --name-server=$master--admin-email=root.$master 
>         fi 
>         ptrzone=$(echo $ipaddress|awk -F. '{print $3 "." $2 "." $1
> ""}')  
>         if[ $(ipa dnszone-show $ptrzone2>/dev/null|wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then   
>                 ipa dnszone-add 
> $ptrzone--name-server=$master--admin-email=root.$master 
>         fi 
>         # Now create this entry  
>         ipa host-add $hostname--ip-address=$ipaddress 
>         ipa host-show $hostname 
> done

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