On 05.12.2016 17:42, Robert Kudyba wrote:

./nis-hosts.sh nisnamesubdomain.ourdomain.edu <http://subdomain.ourdomain.edu/>
Zone name:
ipa: ERROR: 'name' is required
awk: cmd. line:1: {print $3 "."subdomain.ourdomain.edu <http://subdomain.ourdomain.edu/> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__subdomain.ourdomain.edu&d=DgIDAw&c=aqMfXOEvEJQh2iQMCb7Wy8l0sPnURkcqADc2guUW8IM&r=X0jL9y0sL4r4iU_qVtR3lLNo4tOL1ry_m7-psV3GejY&m=pEDfIfzeA-ARFs_N9xgM-B-M9WeiMmBhOH9Ee0zrLok&s=YxCYA3uLhghEgE2c_Wzz0RFqUSQvh7h0YjLz43T-oik&e=> "." nisname ".in-addr.arpa."}
awk: cmd. line:1:                  ^ syntax error

Zone name: subdomain
ipa: ERROR: DNS is not configured

Looks to me like the DNS component was not configured in IPA so all the
dns-* commands will fail.

Well I mentioned that we are using the university’s DNS rather than a dedicated DNS server on the FreeIPA Fedora server. Where do I configure that in the GUI? Since our department does not have authority over the ouruniversity.edu <http://ouruniversity.edu> domain I figured it was best to use their’s red resolving DNS.

you cannot use ipa dns* commands without integrated IPA DNS installed

to add DNS records you have to use the standard way your university system provides.

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