Hello, Martin!

Thank you for your help, conflicts resolved.

All is well.

FreeIPA is awesome! )

On 2016.12.22. 11:01, Martin Babinsky wrote:
On 12/22/2016 09:31 AM, Georgijs Radovs wrote:
Hello everyone!

Today, I've updated 2 FreeIPA servers from version 4.2 to version 4.4.

Both of these servers are Masters and CAs, both are replicating between
each other.

But, when I run

*ipa topologysegment-find* to view replication agreements for *domain*
and *ca* suffixes

it returns zero results.

Web UI also does not show any agreements, but when I try to create a
replication agreement between both servers, I get error that agreement
already exists.

Also, when viewing directory using ldap browser, I found these containers:



Both of them contain topology segments, which I'm trying to create, but
they do not show up anywhere.

How do I remove nsuniqueid attribute or delete those containers?

Hi Georgijs,

these entries come from replication conflicts, please see the following guide on how to solve them:


Also as a side note, such conflicts may come from upgrading IPA masters at once which is not recommended. Make sure that when you upgrade the topology you only upgrade one master at time.


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