Terry John wrote:
> I have a problem using freeipa version 3.0.0-50 on CentOS release 6.8. The 
> problem manifests itself as no authentication, and no DNS.
> It seems Kerberos just stops responding to requests and requests just get 
> queued up
> # netstat -tuna | grep SYN_RECV
> Active Internet connections (servers and established)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             
> State
> tcp        0             0           <server IP>:88               <client1 
> IP>:55440         SYN_RECV
> tcp        0             0           <server IP>:88               <client 2 
> IP>:40076        SYN_RECV
> tcp        0             0           <server IP>:88               <Client 3 
> IP>:41525        SYN_RECV
> tcp        0             0           <server IP>:88               <Client4 
> IP>:53958         SYN_RECV
> tcp        0             0           <server IP>:88               <Client5 
> IP>:54240         SYN_RECV
> Looking at /var/log/krb5kdc.log
> The normal activity of AS_REQ and TGS_REC messages just stops. No error 
> messages. Just  no new messages.

The problem isn't in Kerberos or DNS, ns-slapd is hanging. See this,


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