Hi all I have just joined the list. becose it I greet.
 -list(damn! another greeting-man. I hope it do not greet in the future....)
then I will not greet more.
 -list(haa well! at laest it know must not disturb..)
I think it is a great and nice project (yes really, I like it)
By the moment I need help. May be in the future I can help anyone.
I have read al the documentation I found.
if you know any nice extrange link plase teel me.
 -list(hmmm...this man do not talk a good english...)
right! english is not my native language. so do not worry about re asking
Im installing my first freeradius(FR) and my first portslave(PS)
on linux redhat 7.1 following the instructions in the README succefull.
All configurated all runing. I run the FR in debug mode (radiusd -yxxz) and
at console all the process without any error and keep waiting to process
Listening on IP, ports 1812/udp adn 1813/udp, with proxy
on 1814/udp
 -list(another with few information and logs...)
request me ! all the logs and configuration archives that you need !
the problem is that the portslave at says
[EMAIL PROTECTED] not responding...
I need any way to see if the freeradius is listening on the ports.
I cant see the port by a telnet
#telnet 1812
or with nmap
#nmap 192.1683.122.254
anyway a can't see the port
Is not it extrange ? or is nornal ?
how can I test from the same machine if i get response from FR ?
I can't test with portslave becose I'm testing portslave too, then
I do not know which one is not runing
I need a easy way to test
Please answer me any thought but answer me if you read it !
all will be apreciated.
oh I'm forgeting something. Do you know any way to do radius authentication
with raw pppd (without portslave) ?

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