On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 08:25:15PM +0200, Gerald Krause wrote:
> Hi,
> Fduch the Pravking wrote:
> > Some user tries to log in on this Cisco,
> > and gets Access-Reject, but Cisco
> > (I don't know whether it has already
> > processed Access-Reject at this moment)
> > sends Accounting-Stop packet for that user
> > without corresponding Accounting-Start packet.
> perhaps this is not a bug but rather a feature
> because I have found (and want use) two nice Cisco
> statements called
>    "aaa accounting send stop-record authentication failure"
> and
>    "aaa accounting resource default stop-failure"
> to log rejected login attempts and ressource problems...

Great, Thanks! I should have searched through docs first...
However, it's a feature for you, but a trouble for us...

First, this command appeared in IOS 12.1 only,
while we have 12.0, so I can't disable it.
It's strange why IOS 12.0 has this feature, but
doesn't support config command for it...

Second, it doesn't always work like here -
mostly Cisco doesn't send Stop-record.
And I'm sure that this "hacker" does something
to force Cisco send it. If I new what he does...

Talking with "tywe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, you wrote:
> Maybe the remote side did not get the expected
> response fast enough to complete the authentication within a proper
> time and thats why the auth-phase is terminated by a ordinary timeout.

Well, maybe this is what "hacker" does.
I'll try to reproduce this.
Thanks again!

> In this case the remote one can send you a STOP packet with a zero
> session time to notify a "authentication failure". (I use exactly this
> feature on our Cisco NASes.)

But the question remains:
How can I disable this feature on IOS 12.0(4) ?..

Fduch M. Pravking

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