It would be nice to compile set of modifications needed
for dialup_admin to work with postgresql.
(Of course it would be even better that code is db independent :-) )

e.g. user_finger.php3 won't work because "SELECT DISTINCT UserName,AcctStartTime,FramedIPAddress,CallingStationId FROM $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE AcctStopTime = '0' AND NASIPAddress = '$name_data' $extra GROUP BY UserName ORDER BY AcctStartTime;"

ends with : Bad timestamp external representation '0'
( instead of = '0' there should be IS NULL )

I supplied patches to the development team for most of the PosgreSQL compatability stuff last year that is included in the current CVS.

I also provided some patches that make the dialup_admin/bin scripts more compatable, as well as a patch to fix a current problem in CVS.
These patches are still waiting to be applied.

The code in CVS has much better support for PosgreSQL, but does not break support for MySQL. I prefer PostgreSQL so I have been helping
with patches to push compatability for a while now. I am not a core
developer so all I can do is supply patches to the development list
and bugzilla, and wait. I hope my remaining patches are included in CVS before v1.0 is released, it will make life much easier for people to use PostgreSQL for authentication and accounting.

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