Hello freeradius-users,

  I have an DynDNS name in my clients.conf file for my AP2500. This is
  necessary because I get a new ip every night.

  The problem is that my freeradius perfectly works as long as the ip
  behind the DynDNS name is the same as it is when I started the
  freeradius daemon. When my DSL router reconnects and gets a new ip
  and my AP2500 behind that router try to connect the freeradius server
  it says
  "Error: Ignoring request from unknown client" = new ip after reconnect.

  When I ping my DynDNS name it returns this new ip.

  My assumption is that when freeradius starts it checks the ip for
  the DynDNS name in clients.conf and caches it. There is no renew
  during runtime.

  Is that correct? Anybody having the same problem and a solution.

  system: freeradius 0.9.3-cvs20040118-0, debian sarge


Best regards,
 John                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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